Parkrun today and 9:2. My music worked this time and it just happened that my favourite running song was on. The one I’ve used from the start, to visualise myself doing awesome running events like a parkrun, 5k, 10K half marathon etc. That kept me going especially during the early runs. Well today the song came on as we set off and I suddenly realised this was for real. All the runners in front of me bobbing along the song playing and the voice in my head said “omg you’re actually doing this” I actually had a few (happy) tears
9:2 it’s been emotional : Parkrun today and 9:... - Couch to 5K
9:2 it’s been emotional

Wow! Getting excited about your graduation run?
I think I might repeat 9:1 and 9:2 so I graduate at next weeks parkrun 😊
Good luck for your graduation run but 'technically' the third run of of 30 minutes is your graduation run, you could save the third 30 minute run for next Saturday and run 2/25 or 28 minute runs sometime during the week.
Many graduates consolidate on 30 minutes. B210k forum will welcome you to the next ju-ju magic plan.
Personally, I followed the 10% rule - adding 10% to total running time and consolidated on 40 minutes
So W10 was 3x 33minutes W11 36m and W12 40m.
Hopefully that will roughly match your time to do 5k distance

Amazing feeling isn’t it? And this is just the start! You’ll find there is a huge world of running out there. Good luck with your graduation run! 🤞🏻

Great run... have a wonderful graduation run... and probably more emotions will flow!