Hi all, first time poster here.
I started C25K in October. Haven't done any serious exercise for such a long time. I got very good at convincing myself that 10,000 steps and walking very slowly with my old choccie Lab was enough. But one day I guess you just wake up and decide the time is right.
Anyway, I'm rambling. Looking back to Week 1, oh how I struggled. And the weeks in between have been a mix of elation at getting through it and terror at what was to come next.
Seeing 20 minutes looming in the distance as I started Week 5 was scary; I checked several times that I hadn't missed a Run... 8min to 20? Was it a sick joke? But I've got to try, I thought.
And try I did. And much to my amazement I completed it. I kept telling myself, it's only 6 songs worth. I have struggled mostly with my breathing but when Sarah said '2 min left' my legs felt like dead weights. But they weren't broken and I wasn't dead. So I carried on.
During the run advice was given to breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth... this was when I realised that I'm entirely breathing in and out through the mouth. Is this bad? Should I try to change it? Any tips?
Thanks if you got this far x