How to increase speed: I've just done my first... - Couch to 5K

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How to increase speed

NettieNoo profile image
14 Replies

I've just done my first post graduation run. I aimed for 30 minutes, but I'm hoping to increase my pace, with the goal of managing 5k in 30 minutes. I started off at a good pace, steady and consistent, but faster than I've done before. I hit a wall at about 13 minutes, pushed on through and got further in 20 minutes than I've ever done before. But then I was just knackered and so the last ten minutes were quite a bit slower. I did 3.75k in 30 minutes, walked quite a long way, then finished off the 5k in another 11 minutes - so 41mins in total, but with a cheaty load of walking in the middle. Any tips on the best way to increase my pace - is it just a case of building up my stamina so I can keep up the pace for the whole 30 minutes?

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14 Replies

I'm.. I'M UP.. Who? NettieNoo? What time is it? Alright, where's my mentor badge? ..


OK, so your first post graduation run... My advice? Forget about speed... for now! You're building up your endurance.. your body is absolutely amazing and it's just done an INCREDIBLE thing, so give it time to understand that you're runner... this is who you are now, let your body get comfortable with that decision. This is what we call 'consolidation'.

After that (2/3 weeks) we change it up!

Intervals: run slow (1 minute) / run fast (2 minute) .. teach your body how to run fast.

Fartlek: this is spontaneous.. quick bursts of speed whenever you feel like it.. again training your body to be spontaneous and explosive..

Hill training: This is strength training, building muscle, but it's great for technique.

Long Run: This trains your mind and your body to deal with distance.. It's pretty simple...Maybe now 5k is a long way... when you're running 10k.. 5k is halfway.

All this improves speed.. but for now, consolidate. You can find all this on the internet.

AND! join the Bridge to 10k forum... we'd love to have you there.💗 Good luck.

NettieNoo profile image
NettieNooGraduate in reply to

Thank you. That's all really useful. I'll just carry on doing what I'm doing for a little while then - I tend to forget that I hadn't ever run for 30 minutes two weeks ago. I always want to run before I can walk, or in this case, run faster before I can run. And it gives me something to aim for too - there's a part of me that feels, "Oh, is that it then?" about having finished c25k. A bit of an anti climax. (Also my run yesterday has made my whole body hurt like I've been run over by a lorry, just to remind me my body's not used to me doing this mental thing yet )

in reply to NettieNoo

"there's a part of me that feels, "Oh, is that it then?" about having finished c25k. A bit of an anti climax"

I completely understand that, you sound A LOT like me.. you've just achieved your goal, now what? We're all different but this is what I did.

So 'consolidate' sounded a bit boring to me. I've just accomplished my goal! Get out there and do the same thing because you might get injured... wasn't really inspiring me! BUT there's truth to it, you don't want to get injured.. so what do you do? Think Clubber, think! I wanted something new, something exciting.. PARKRUN! I decided to make one of those runs a Parkrun. I really recommend it, you'll get loads of support, it's a great community. There's no pressure, you can run/walk/talk... you get a time, and that's something you can try to improve on... it's a great place.

Now I did something slightly different to what people do on here, I repeated week 4.. Crazy eh? Reasons why? I wanted to see how much I've improved. I found week 4 very difficult, not now! It's a good thing to keep you positive, plus it's interval training, it's great for building pace... It's a great workout. And it just puts something different into your week.

And then just a 30 minute run, nice and slow, just what you've been doing.

Also, I joined the bridge to 10k forum, and in all honesty, this place really did motivate me, kept me going. Because you can see what people are doing after C25K, and there are some really inspiring people in there. I'm not saying you have to run 10k.. we talk about everything, we've all been when you are and we're all happy to help, and we want to know how you're doing... So get involved!

This is all just advice. The world is yours, the most important thing.. ENJOY IT!

NettieNoo profile image
NettieNooGraduate in reply to

Thank you. I've been doing Parkrun (on and off) since before I started c25k. I walked the first one and I've since run a bit more each time. I think I've done 10 now and last week I ran virtually all of it (but was still slower than when I walked quite a bit!) Anyway, I enjoy it, it's a nice atmosphere, some helpful people (a regular tailwalker who has helped a lot with my breathing) and a little bit of a challenge to try not to look too rubbish in front of the proper runners (not that anyone cares). I have thought about repeating some of c25k, for no reason other than to show myself how far I've come and because (hopefully) I'll find it easier now, so it'll be a bit of a confidence booster. I'm going to carry on running 3 times a week for now (which will include Parkrun when I can get there). I'll try and run 30 minutes once a week and then maybe just take the pressure off and do whatever I can for the other one. When I was in holiday a couple of weeks ago, I found my runs much more enjoyable, just for having different scenery, so maybe I'll try and find some new places to run, so it feels a bit less of a chore and more of a trip out. Thank you for all your suggestions - I'll take all the advice - and in the meantime I feel spurred on again, thank you x

Dexy5 profile image

Congratulations on your graduation. Like clubberlang says, think of consolidation for 3 weeks before increasing pace or distance.

Here’s some useful post grad info:

GoogleMe profile image

Have a look at the C25K+ suite of 3 podcasts, coaching from the original Laura (formerly of this parish) - there's Stepping Stones (start there), Stamina and yes, Speed.

But don't forget to have lots of runs where the goal is to enjoy it!

IannodaTruffe profile image

Hidden has given you some techniques, but this needs a strategic approach.

Have you read the guide to post C25K running?

It explains that to increase speed you need to run at an easy conversational pace for 75-80% of your time to build stamina, with which you can push the pace on the remainder. In other words get more miles on your legs, your cardiovascular system will develop along with your musculature and you will be capable of running faster for longer.

Pushing pace on every run is the sign of a newbie runner who really doesn't understand their body.

It takes time. Completing C25K does not confer superhuman status........ that takes a few months more.

NettieNoo profile image
NettieNooGraduate in reply to IannodaTruffe

Thank you. No, but I'll read it now. And spot on, I don't understand my body - I'm expecting it to do something it's spent 55 years NOT doing. And it's doing it, just not as quickly as I would like. Poor old thing - I shall try to treat it with more understanding.

NettieNoo profile image
NettieNooGraduate in reply to IannodaTruffe

Oh, and so I will be superhuman perhaps by Christmas?! Excellent news!

Run46 profile image
Run46Graduate in reply to NettieNoo

You wish 😂...but compared to where you are now maybe a little bit! I also pushed myself last run, consolidated for a couple of weeks, started running alternate 5K/30 minutes for a couple of weeks, managed a 33.49 5K by accident so decided to see if I could up my pace the whole run, managed 29 mins and gave up, hated it after the 1st half and have been achy and run down in the couple of days since so I had to miss my last run (1st one missed in 3 months). Clearly a rookie mistake but we live and learn 🤷‍♀️, back to the advice given here and treating my body like the fragile flower that it is 😂 sure you'll be doing the same 👍

danis profile image

Dont do too much to soon. Your still new to running and could easily get injured too if you overdo it. Pace will increase naturally as will distance. Id also recommend doing a short run a week so your not exhausting yourself every run. Good luck.

Run46 profile image
Run46Graduate in reply to danis

Great advice for me too thanks danis! I graduated just over a month ago and upped to 5K over a couple of weeks then expected to be able to do 5k every run but have felt shattered after the second one each week! Realised that maybe mixing 30mins & 5K was wise, maybe I should also throw in a slow 20 minutes rest run if I'm feeling I've overdone it. You get so used to a little improvement every run during C25K it's hard to reighn yourself in and realise there's no rush! 😏

Jell6 profile image

What they said!, consolidate, and then maybe try some SLOWER, but bit longer runs, maybe an extra 5 minutes for one of them, then the following week add more to another, I found that by managing to increase my time and distance I somehow managed to get further on my 30 minute runs.😊

Now, I want to try to enjoy my runs, so only set myself a minimum time target.

UnfitNoMore profile image

As above... my comfortable conversational paced running has been steadily speeding up over the last year... it was 4/10 effort in consolidation and its 4/10 effort now... I’m not deliberately doing this, it’s coming from more running and longer running. I mention the effort out of 10, because my 5/6 out of 10 stuff has also become quicker... and my 10/10 sprints too. I don’t know about my 8-9 effort PB pace, because I’m not trying to use it at present... I’m increasing distance again, pace doesn’t matter, but I’m pretty sure I could knock at least 60 seconds off my PB if I went for it.

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