Why the big jump from 2x 8 minutes to a full 20 min run??? Then back again to 8min in week 6?? I can't run 20 min no way it's too long for where I am now. this is a demorivator guys I was found so well!!!
Week 5 run 3: Why the big jump from 2x 8 minutes... - Couch to 5K
Week 5 run 3

I meant demotivator!!!

Trust the programme. You CAN do it!

Have you tried it yet or just worried about it? I've found the programme great so far and each week and run prepares you for the next. Just go slow and steady, you can definitely do it!!
I think you need to put your trust in the programme and don’t let your doubts affect your running. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve looked at the next run and thought. ‘Really??!’ My next run is also W5 R3. It’s on Monday and I’m feeling pretty positive! Let us know how you get on. You can do it - getting over your doubts will be your biggest challenge!!

Thanks for your kind words of encouragement.

You CAN do it 🙂 you’ve got this far so you CAN Do it. you’ve done the work and are ready!
Have faith in yourself and the programme 💪😁😃. As ever, you take it slow and steady
Prepare to be amazed 💪

You CAN do it Labadoque, just go out and run it, as they say here slow and steady.

Aha. You’re not alone... many have thought that. But, hang on, many have done it... how did that happen?
Physically there’s no big jump. You just put your legs and body through 21 minutes of heartbeat raised cardio... they’ll love just doing 20 next.
It’s all in the mind... tell yourself that you can’t do it, and you won’t, “no way” as you say... it would be impossible.
Time to get your mind at the same level as the rest of you has raised to... yes you can, yes you will... you’ll start off slow and steady and keep the pace down, and you’ll finish that run regardless of the voice in your head saying you can’t... when it comes, and it will, tell that voice to #%^* off, tell it you can, tell it you will. Think that you can and you will.
It’s not a demotivator, it’s a liberator... you came here to just run... so just run.

This is a common misunderstanding. Several people have said trust the programme: let me explain WHY you can trust the programme at this point. It's not as stupid as it looks: it's actually very clever.
First, forget eight minutes. You ran eight minutes in week ONE. You are now running for sixteen minutes, and have been doing that for two weeks.
Now, you may say 'ah! but I had walking breaks to break up those sixteen minutes of running.' Yes you did - but how many? In week four you had THREE walking breaks. That reduced to TWO for W5R1. Then it reduced to just ONE walking break in W5R2. Ask yourself: what is the next logical step?
Week 5 is NOT about running for longer. You made that step up in week 4 when you went from nine minutes running to sixteen. What week 5 is about is reducing your reliance on walking breaks. Your body doesn't need them any more - you've reduced from three to one in a few days after all! Your brain, however, hasn't got used to that yet. So the challenge is a mental one. Your body can do this: it's been doing it for a fortnight. Just tell those mental gremlins where to go, and you'll be OK.
Probably take it at a slightly slower pace than you've been doing, and if you do feel like walking, don't walk, just slow your running pace instead. We've all been there: posts like yours appear almost every day on this board and the next day the posters are back saying hey, why was I worried, I smashed it.
Everybody has a bad run now and again, but remarkably few people have their bad run at W5R3. More people trip up on week 6 in fact, because the walking breaks are back so they think it will be easy and they get complacent. By the time you get to the end of week 6 you will be happy to be finished with walking breaks: they've served their purpose as you were starting out but you don't need them any more.
You'll be fine, honestly. Just like we all were. And the feeling after you successfully complete that run is like nothing else. It's amazing. Enjoy it when it comes.
Well that is an inspiring reply.thanks for taking the time to do so.will do it will do it!!!!
Great post Arthur, I completed W5R3 earlier this evening you are perfectly right, my body could run what felt like effortlessly but my mind was playing torturous games. I didn’t stop, I done it and I’m really proud. Arthur your post was amazing. Thank you. 👍
That makes so much sense! I'd looked at it initially and thought 'no way can I run for that long' but now I'm looking forward to losing the walking breaks
I’m on week 5 run 3 next too and am a bit worried about the jump. But as everyone says trust the plan, so that’s what I’m going to do. Good luck. 👌🏻😊
I’m also due to do this run next (tomorrow morning), was feeling very much like you labadoque! wow these replies of encouragement are amazing, feeling less scared now and more positive about it! Hope you had a good run?
I have to do this today I think, week 5 run 2? I'm looking forward to giving it a go. I think pma ( positive mental attitude) can help a lot with running and you'll certainly need it when (if) you graduate onto longer runs after this program. Get out, give it a try and come back and tell all how you smashed itvand how good you feel!☺
Trust the programme. I too though the same why the big leap. But I did it. I'm now about to finish week 8 tonight and cant believe what Ive become. So weird. every run I think back to the earlier runs and laugh and then smile at my progress. You will surprise yourself.
Thanks you to all of you for your messages. I did run 3 yesterday but I did it at the gym on the treadmill . It was tough but I did it .today is rest day. Tomorrow week 6 outside. I'm on it. Not ready to give up but needed your support to go through week 5. Again thank you

Did you do it?!