Good morning ☺I'm the world's most unnatural runner but just unbelievably done W3 RUN 1...I was convinced I would have to redo W2 instead but actually found W3 easier! However Imy still really suffering with shin splints 😦 I run thru it, but I'm not sure that's the right thing to do? I know it can happen to new runners but if I stop every time it happens then surely I'll always be a new runner? 😂 I always rest for 1 or 2 days between runs but would really appreciate any other advice. Thanks guys and well done to you all on starting jogging 😀xx
Shin Splints 😣: Good morning ☺I'm the world's... - Couch to 5K
Shin Splints 😣

Sorry to hear about your issues here. I’m attaching a link to runner’s world with pages of advice, including a page about a new runner and shin splints. Hope it helps.

It is unlikely to be shin splints at this very early stage... but.. clearly...there is a problem...
Have you checked out the advice and information given in the FAQ post for our new runners
Hopefully your shoes and your socks are the right ones for you... so... it may be, that like man of us you are landing a tad heavily... we do tend to thump down a lot in these first runs...( concentration maybe? This can impact on knees, shins and ankles!
Warm up really well and head out gently and lightly... try to kiss the ground with your feet... Stretch well after each and every run too! Slow and steady.. don't push at all.
Try to relax and see how it goes... it there is continuing real deep pain. do not run through it.. get it checked out by an expert
Let us know how it goes?
Thank you....I half expected to give up on w1 so didn't spend much on footwear, only a £20 pair so maybe I need to invest in some better trainers. I DEFINITELY am a very heavy footed runner 😂😂 it's something I'm aware of and trying to address so I'll try and concentrate on it even more...hopefully a better technique will develop once I've got myself more used to the idea that I am actually capable of doing this! Thank you so much again for your kind advice, very grateful 😊x
Many of us do land heavily.. we have so much going through our minds and thinking about all the things we are trying to do...shin splints tend not to appear at this stage
Your shoes are your best to you.... and there are some great bargains to be had... gait analysis is an option to find the right shoes..( the FAQ link explains this... and then you can get some other shoes.
Try to relax.. trust the plan and take it very gently. We are right here and we run with you. You can do this

Hi KCC666. I used to suffer with shin splints so purchased some calf compression sleeves from Amazon. They worked a treat for me and prevented any pain so might be an idea for you. I would highly recommend Physix Gear Sport ones, cost around £12. Hope this helps you.
Thank you very much 😊 love all this different suggestions that you are all kindly giving....I've surprised myself with how well I've done and would hate this to stop me so I'll give these a go too 😊x
Hi, I was in a similar position to you 3 weeks ago, shin splint pain was really painful, I bought compression socks as per someone's advice off this website, it which has helped, although it has taken until week 6 for it to be much more comfortable. Keep going, all the best and give the socks a go!

I’d definitely recommend going to a running shop, getting gait analysis done and buying good running trainers. I found it made a massive difference.
Thank you Liz5K ☺ this is definitely worth doing then? I think because I'm so rubbish at it and expected to give up on W1 that I thought it would be a waste of money to bother too much. However now I'm almost enjoying it maybe it's something that I should seriously consider ☺x
Maybe if you treat yourself to some good trainers you won’t let yourself give up. Got to get your moneys worth! Good luck 😊