Completed W5R1 last night. Was looking forward to it since my last run on Friday and I could cry. Each time I run I get a really sore leg (the left one) from my butt cheek down to the back of my knee. And my calves go rock hard and hurt like hell. I was in agony last night but kept telling myself "I can do this, it doesn't hurt". I almost gave up but kept thinking about how far I've come from day 1 when I almost threw up and thought I was gonna die. I managed to get to the end... more of a limp than a jog but I did it. I drink loads of water anyway and always do the warm up walks beforehand and afterwards. I've got proper running shoes and I always stick to a slow pace. Seems like these legs are hurting more as the programme progresses. I can put up with the achy calves but the pain down the back of my left leg is something else and seems to be getting worse as the runs are getting longer. I'm 52 and used to get out of breath walking up the stairs before I started this. Any ideas on what I can do other than load myself up with ibuprofen before a run? I've found some stretching exercises that I'm going to try. I've got R2 tomorrow and think I'm going to struggle as last night the pain was the worst it's ever been, and it's still there today 😢
Week 5 Aches and Pains. : Completed W5R1 last... - Couch to 5K
Week 5 Aches and Pains.

Don't load yourself up with ibuprofen..........that is not a good idea.
This is a recurring issue and you seem to have done all you can to reduce it, so it looks like time to get a professional opinion.......a sports physio would be preferable.
Starting to run often highlights physical issues that we live in ignorance of, but they can usually be corrected.
Take care.
Yes please don’t take ibuprofen for muscle pain - my oh did this for what he though was a sports injury and it turned out to be a massive clot in his calf, which then travelled to his lungs causing a double PE. Not meaning to scare you but do get it checked as Iannoda says. OH was scolded badly by the nurses when he told them what he’d been taking x
Oh heck!!! I hope he's ok now. I will make an appointment with my GP just to be on the safe side. And I definitely won't be taking any more ibuprofen. Thanks for the advice.

What you're experiencing is absolutely normal for someone whose body is adjusting to the physical demands of the programme.
Try the NHS leg strengthening exercises – do every day for a few weeks and you'll really notice the difference! They worked a treat for me. Good luck and stick at it!

Go see someone! Pain like this isn't normal, it means you have an underlying problem that running has brought to the surface. Get that sorted and you should be good to go. But seek help quick!

Maybe visit a physio for diagnosis. I had to take 8 weeks out of running after getting up to 5K. Was gutted. I too suffered thigh pain, but in the front. Physio said it was a pulled muscle in back with referral pain in thigh.. It hurt to even walk, pain was a bit like sciatica.

Running really challenges our legs for sure. The Achilles has a tough job. It has to get stronger It will as you slowly work your way through the runs. Your calves are weak yet but will get stronger
We can do exercises to strengthen our legs, feet, calves and ankles, from calf raises with heel drops, and footlifts, lunges Try standing on one leg and see what happens as you try to keep from falling over 🙂. Yoga is excellent for runners and can easily be done at home with a dvd. Balancing exercises are good. I stand on one leg while I brush my teeth 😃sounds daft but it works for me It’s easy, free and fits in with my day
Walking more is easy and cheap so aim to do more in general rather than taking the car. Keeping moving is key. Even putting the music on and dancing round your kitchen is good As long as we keep moving
Good luck 🙂👍

Thanks for the replies. I'm going to have a few rest days, do some stretches and walking and see how I go on my next run. If it's still really bothering me I'll go see a Physio. If anything it's made me more determined... failure is not an option in my book. I WILL get there 🏃

Just an update.... had a week's rest, done some exercises and stretches and tackled Run 2 tonight. Yayyyyyy I did it. Just a little twinge in the side of my leg, totally bearable, and no achy calves. Time for my shepherds pie and beans. Thanks again for all your words of advice 🤗