Hi I’ve just completed wk3 and just managed the 3 min run not really looking forward to Wk4 running for 5 mins think I’m going to struggle. Plus I also eat healthy attending a slimming club but not losing the weight anyone else had this problem ?.
Weight loss !!: Hi I’ve just completed wk3 and... - Couch to 5K
Weight loss !!
Don’t be in a hurry. You’ve run 9 times and each run was about 200 calories. Weight loss through running will come as you run longer. You will see changes to your body shape before getting much weight loss.
I'm just about to start week 9 and not dropped a pound, probably due to my social life not changing at all. I guess I would have put on weight if I hadn't been running! I do know my legs are stronger and muscles more defined and running 30 minutes every other day will have an immense effect on my health, just need to party less of a weekend 😂😂
Some slimming clubs go the wrong way for most people and don’t have you eating enough calories... not judging yours, but there’s an NHS BMI calculator online that will give you a, probably surprisingly high, calorie range to eat each day. Check your diet on there and you may be shocked. The upper end of that calorie scale, with a good balanced diet, will see slow but steady weight loss in the vast majority of people. There’s also Weight Loss NHS forum on this server. Lots of knowledge and support on there.
Running does burn fat, but it also builds muscle. You may see weight stable as this happens... but you could lose inches off your waist and thighs at the same time... use a tape measure and your results could well be a lot better than the scales suggest.
As for the next run, you’re ready, go slow and steady and you can do it.
Muscle is actually a lot heavier than fat, which will affect your weight loss. On the flip side, it burns calories a lot faster, so ultimately it’ll help you. The tape measure tip is well worth trying. Hope you see more progress soon !
It swill take a while.... slow and steady as you go If you are struggling, slow down more
I felt the same about being able to run for 5 mins, but dp you know what...i did it and it wasn't that bad. Just relax and go slow. Weight wise, you will probably begin to look more toned, i didnt loose weight but my shape changed. Hopefully 3 years on it will do the same. Good luck.
Have had the same experience - have just finished week 7 but my weight has only dropped a few pounds since th start - however like the others I have definitely noticed my muscles are more defined and my body is changing shape - feeling healthier and it's weird but I used to be obsessed weighing myself everyday but now I don't feel the need - it's just a number - how you feel and look is the most important - think the tape measure is a good idea though wish I had used it at the start - good luck with the running.