Weight loss??: As a mummy to 5 children with the... - Couch to 5K

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Weight loss??

igottagetthruthis profile image

As a mummy to 5 children with the youngest being 1 this month i am somewhat overweight (obese according to my BMI calculator). Just wondered if doing this couch to 5k will help with my mum tum at all??

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13 Replies
IannodaTruffe profile image

Measure yourself now and at intervals through the programme and you will find that you tone up and lose inches, if you conform to the norm. Many people go down a couple of sizes during the plan.

Weight loss is not guaranteed..........it is not a weight loss programme, but there have been spectacular losses in conjunction with careful diet.

Hk19 profile image

I haven't lost weight, but definetly changed shape (For the better) and feel great. My husband has lost 12ibs though. So depends on your body.... I'm taking it as I didn't have muscle to start with! 🙈

UnfitNoMore profile image

All that IannodaTruffe said. You can do this... it will change your body and you’ll like what you see in the mirror... with good nutrition alongside running, the weight will go, you’ll be stronger, fitter and live longer... oh, and you’ll set those kids a great example to follow. Enjoy your journey

Ang33333 profile image

I lost no weight at all. I then focussed on eating better and I've lost 1 and a half stone. Running is so much easier and I'm maintaining the weight loss. I'm stronger, fitter and happier. I've still got a bit of a run though and I'm sure my legs are getting bigger! I don't think I'll be a greyhound!!

Oldfloss profile image

IannodaTruffe has said it all... You may or may not lose weight.. you will feel fitter and stronger...Healthy eating. some extra strength exercises too...as if you are not getting enough with your small ones.. :)

Join us, take it steady and slow, and join the ranks of so many awesome Mamas on here...

Flumpy76 profile image

BMI calculator is soooooo out dated! .. I’ve lost 11 st and I’m still obese according to the BMI but it doesn’t calculate all this excess skin I’m carrying around (I’d say nearly two stones worth of excess skin) .. but your body will certainly change shape .. as the guys said before measure yourself before during and after you’ll be surprised even if the weight doesn’t change good luck xxx

Greenfingergran profile image

My daughters 3rd son was 1year old on Friday. She runs every week and is doing the Edinburgh half marathon this month.

She looks amazing with all her 2st baby weight shed.

Yes the c25k will make all the difference to you. And give you 30minutes to yourself. 😉😉😉😉😉

madmother profile image

Excellent to have started this plan to do something for you in what must be a crazy busy life. Brilliant example to your children too.

I have taken 12 months to lose 2 stone with slimming world. Occasionally people would ask if I’d lost weight but not often. I started C25K and lost 2.5lb to get to my target weight. Suddenly everyone seemed to notice I’d lost weight! I’m certain it’s the change in shape as in actual pounds lost it was negligible.

I feel so much healthier mentally and physically. Enjoy it and trust in the plan. Good luck. 🍀

Jod13 profile image

It’s certainly helped mine. I’ve lost inches in only a few months. I’ve been exercising and had a balanced, calorie controlled diet too (1500 cals) so the middle of the advisable calories. It’s all about the long game, having patience with this stuff is not my forte I must admit but I’m learning. Slowly slowly! Celebrate the little things and do stuff you love. Eat stuff you love but manage the portions. For example, I aim for 400 ish calories 3 times a day. I have a 200-300 main like chicken, fish, burrata (my fav), jacket potato and then use the rest on vegetables. I make sure what I’m eating is really good quality and that I’m loving what I eat so I never feel deprived. If I want steak or fish and chips, I have it (not too often) but I control the calories for the rest of the day. Vegetable platter is my saving grace. I had a full roast dinner yesterday (my portions are probably smaller than they used to be) then had stuffed peppers for dinner (200cals). Mid week I have vegetables and a low calorie dip if I’ve gone out for lunch. Always a good breakfast but the important thing is I never feel deprived. I love my food as much now as I did before I calorie controlled. I just know I have to not have the extra stuff and cook it in a lean way. I often find myself checking the calories of something and thinking “crikey that’s expensive, I’m not wasting my calories on that”. I’m really picky now and food has to be great for me to accept it on my plate lol... it has to be that way to achieve a sustainable lifestyle. It’s a lifestyle change not a diet.

Lazyme profile image

I am now on week 7. Although I have not lost weight but my measurements have gone down by 1 inch both waist and hips. I totally agree with the forum members - rely on measurements and not BMI, healthy diet and portion sizes. All combined together will help you achieve your goals. Keep up the good work 👍 !!

Prettyrandom profile image

Couch to 5k has really changed my shape! I’m 62 and never thought I’d see much improvement to my 3 baby tummy but this programme really is a life and shape changer!

Three weeks in and the wobble was less wobbly - and at the end of nine weeks I’m standing much straighter and have a ‘girdle’ of running muscles🎉. No slimmer but smaller and feeling motivated to lay of the cake.

Running and completing the programme will not only make you physically fitter - You will feel good about yourself and I have found it motivating in lots of other areas of my life.

You have certainly got your hands full! Enjoy them and enjoy the running!

GoGo_JoJo profile image

I lost and am still losing weight. Tummy might need some added exercises to trim but my leggings were too big before week 8.

Pianism profile image

I'd humbly put myself forward as one of the "spectacular losses" people... getting on for 3 stone and counting. Not sure it's the running but it's most definitely a key part of the picture. I wonder if it's that the healthier eating helps the running and the running is motivating me to eat healthier?

What I will say is that my change in clothes sizes (and overall fit) has been even greater than the scales suggest. I've gone from only being able to shop in certain shops to being able to go anywhere and know I can get clothes to fit.

Good luck with your goals - this is definitely a great way to achieve them!

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