Just got back from a lovely day shopping with mum and daughter and my knee is hurting. It feels like I’ve jolted it backwards, got pain under knee cap and back of knee. I’m supposed to start week 7 tomorrow 😔 I will see how it feels in the morning but may have to have an extra rest day
Oh no!: Just got back from a lovely day shopping... - Couch to 5K
Oh no!

Do you still have full movement? Test that knee thoroughly before you put too much through it. Hope it’s not major.

As your virtual running buddy I order you to have an extra rest day! Seriously tho only you know your body and only you can make that decision, if it was me I would not run tomorrow bearing in mind that if you make it worse it could mean a week or more of rest days. I've got W6 R3 tomorrow which is the same as your W7 R1 so if I do it twice you can count it as your run 😀 Take it easy and I'll let you how I get on.
That’s made me smile 😃 I defo don’t want you to have to run twice but don’t worry I have definitely have decided not to run tomorrow. I may try a gentle walk and see how it feels but if it niggles it may be Sunday before I run. Hope your run goes well, look forward to hearing about it
Morning, how's the knee this morning? Might be worth another days rest even if it feels ok. Did my W6 R3 earlier it was marvellous, have put some more details on another post.