Tips!: Hello, im new to this! Determined to make... - Couch to 5K

Couch to 5K

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burders profile image
11 Replies

Hello, im new to this! Determined to make a start tomorrow morning. A Parkrun has just started up in my area and id love to go to that but i thought a C25K would be my starting point. Any tips on this programme? I think im going to struggle with the mental side - getting out of the door feeling, as im a bit self conscious and have a few jiggly bits, go bright red etc... Has anyone else felt the same? Please tell me it gets easier! Thanks

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burders profile image
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11 Replies
MVBrown profile image

Hi and welcome. Yes, I did feel self conscious about jogging in public and still do, but what matters is I’m no longer inactive.

Don’t worry about people looking at you and see you red or sweaty. I do meet people along the run and they are not judgemental. All the best when you do go out for your first run. You will enjoy it and by sticking to the programme you will see results.

Anondonkey profile image

I look a right state when running. Thighs that wobble like nobody’s business. Proper red in the face and arms with my hair a frizzy mess. And just a bit sweaty! But in all honesty I don’t care and neither does anyone else. I’ve even walked/run past groups of teenage lads who I was convinced were going to take the mick out of me and didn’t. Mostly people are encouraging and supportive or they don’t notice at all. Give it a try!

happysouls profile image

Each time you do it you find it gets a little easier and you care less and less. I started out with all the same inhibitions. But if I think about it whenever I have seen other people running in the past I have only admiration for them and the more of a state they look the more I admire them for doing it anyway I think! I started out running somewhere quiet until I'd got used to it. Each time you run you get such a high from doing it that it spurs you on. Happy running!

Madgey profile image

You can definitely do it - I felt just like that and am now on week 7. Have never had to stop as it is so well paced. Try finding a local park where there are less people and remember that people passing in cars haven’t even tried! If you have your music on you tend to forget what is going on around you. Go for it🏃‍♀️

UnfitNoMore profile image

Well, you can do C25K at parkrun... they will love to have you, just walk your warmup at the start, do your runs and walk the rest.

Go slow, hydration is important, go slow, trust the plan, go slow, believe in yourself, and did I mention go slow?

cheekychipmunks profile image

Welcome! 👋👋👋

I think most of us start off feeling self conscious, but that soon goes. The biggest tip which you’ll hear a million times or more is to slow right down and if you ever feel like you’re struggling, slow down some more. Also, follow the programme to the letter if possible. It’s designed the way it is to grow our strength and stamina. And observe the all important rest days.

But most of all, and very importantly, have tons of fun! We’re all here to help you along the way! 😀🏃‍♀️😀🏃‍♂️😀

AnnieW55 profile image

Hi and welcome. I think the majority of people on here have had your concerns - you know that saying nothing new under the sun. Well your sun will see something new - a more toned and fitter you 😀

The link below gives lots of information but for me the top 2 tips are go slowly, as long as you are doing the running motion, even in the slowest of sloooow motion you are doing it right and hydration; make sure you are hydrated all the time.

This really is the best thing ever!

Ravenjax profile image

I’m a complete newbie too, just finished my first week. The getting out the door is so tough, I enlisted my husband to kick me out the door if I started to be reluctant, which I was tonight. But I did it, I’m home now after my third run and I’m feeling quite chuffed. I’m listening to an audio book rather than music so I get immersed into a story which takes my mind off the actual running (kind of). And I too worried about other people out there, but really who can judge, as you’re doing this for yourself. I got a few encouraging smiles from other runners, I’m sure you will too.

Best of luck with it all, I’m sure you’ll be brilliant xx

burders profile image

Thanks everyone! Ive got my kit ready and ive set my alarm.... lets do this 😊

burders profile image

Wahoo did it, got out that door with your replies above in my head- remembering to slow down and wasnt that bad. Oh and ive noticed im not beetroot until i completely stop! Thanks guys x

Ravenjax profile image
RavenjaxGraduate in reply to burders

Awesome!! Well done x

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