Just a quick query. On Saturday I went out for my usual run. About halfway through I went over my ankle on a stone. Didn’t feel much so carried on. Later that day, at a garden party, I started to feel pain in my ankle, and it swelled up a little. Friends insisted on making me put the foot up and put a bag of ice on it, and after a while it seemed better, although still a bit sore. Yesterday it was a wee bit sore climbing stairs or going downstairs and today it feels just a tiny bit tender. Really want to run tomorrow. Should I?
Ankle query : Just a quick query. On Saturday I... - Couch to 5K
Ankle query

If it hurts.. rest up a bit longer... the runs will still be there
Rest ice compression elevation for 48 hours. Then I would test the water with a gentle walk and see how it responds the next day. You may need to do some gentle ankle rehab stuff ... I am sure there be lots on you tube . No rush - you need to repair, to avoid long term injury. What about going on the pool and running in there first?

I went over on my ankle a few months ago and it took several weeks to recover enough to run ( the ankle has poor blood supply) but I kept active by cycling, which is not load bearing and improves circulation.
Take care.

Apparently sprains are worse than breaks. Dr told me my fracture will heal quicker than the sprained ligaments ☹️
Go carefully with it.