Had a great W8R3 this morning . Off on holiday tomorrow - going to take my running gear with me hoping to get at least a couple of runs in . I feel I'm just getting into my stride and have enjoyed the last two runs so much I'm really frustrated with the holiday disruption to my routine !! Keen to tackle these W9's !! So near to the finale !! I think I may be getting slightly obsessed with running . Do other people feel like this when there's something stops them getting out to run ?
Obsessed with running ?: Had a great W8R3 this... - Couch to 5K
Obsessed with running ?

Taking my running gear on both my holidays this summer. It's a must. If you love it, is not a chore is it? So why not do it. 😁

Oh yes... and the obsession is wonderful!
Some of the best runs are the touring ones..enjoy your holiday and your runs too! I love reading my past posts about my French runs... especially when I am back at home on a dark and cold winter's night!

😂😃 Me? Obsessed? You bet! 😂😂

Erm, I snuck more running shoes into my husband’s suitcase after he’d packed it. Well, you’re never sure which ones you might need and mine was already full of running gear I was dreading it being opened in front of him. “Did you pack this suitcase yourself sir”? ☺️😊
Obsessed! nah, course not 😎

Love the fact I'm not the only one obsessed with running - kind of reassuring there's others out there who understand lol

Definitely not the only one, I think most of us on this forum are addicted to this running lark! I'm totally obsessed too, and will take my running gear when I go on holiday next month. Love it 😎

Two days in north east next up for me Can’t wait to get on the sea front 🏃♀️🏃♀️🏃♀️🏃♀️🏃♀️

Ermmmm.....in a word, yes! And, me too....off on my hols and toting my running gear😁

I took my running gear on holiday and embraced the treadmill in the hotel gym! I’ve done 3 runs a week at least since starting c25k and would feel like a slacker if I did any less 😂 Realistically though, fitness doesn’t start to fall for 2 weeks or so.
Well done 😉I'm hoping to get the three runs in as well. I went out this evening - didn't have a great run though. Different route obviously with being on holiday - more hilly as well. Only managed 2km but kept going with brisk walking. Having been to a carvery earlier in the day was my downfall I reckon as I've always went out early morning on an empty stomach. So back to the morning runs it is☺️

Took mine away when I was on week 5 and it was fabulous, early along the beach promenade. Did a bit of a route plan the day we arrived. Enjoy

Thank you - sounds super running along the promenade ☺️I've just replied to tasha99 if you want to read how I got on with my first run!!