How do you mentally prepare for Week 5 Run 3? Really worried about it...
Week 5 Run 3: How do you mentally prepare for... - Couch to 5K
Week 5 Run 3

lol if you figure it out let me know im doing mine in around 12 hours. But im just gonna take it super slow at first and if i feel comfortable later in the run ill pick up pace. Be sure to drink plenty of water and maybe eat some fruit before the run.

I was really worried when I did it and now I’ve done W6R3. Take it slow, tell yourself you can do it and will do it. When you get tired don’t look at the far distance ahead you still have to complete look a meter or so ahead of you and reach that target, keep doing that and before you know it the voice in your ear will be telling you well done......
Good luck

I'd agree with the above, just take it slow and try to get into a steady rhythm. I've found music really helps as it takes your mind off it and you're not constantly listening to the sound of your own breathing. When I find myself flagging, I just slow down a bit but keep going. Feels amazing when you've done that first long one, trust me
Hope it goes well.

Well I’m heading out for mine in about 30 minutes and I still don’t know! But I’m very excited! (😳)
Let me know how you get on... Good luck!

You just trust the plan and believe in yourself... it is well documented that this run is really just another run.. a different one... but one which you are totally ready for..
IannodaTruffe explains this brilliantly.
The weeks and the runs change...... but that is the whole point of the plan.. the disciplines in our running are important
So many folk have worried unnecessarily about runs to come... just KNOW you can do them. Steady and slow and you will be fine

Is this the first 20 minutes of jogging?
Yes it is.
OK if anything like me you see 20 minutes then go I can't do that. But believe me forget about that 👿 devil on your shoulder. Go out and do your best you might find out it isn't that bad either. All you can do is your best but I can't fault this app one bit. When I finished my first 20 minutes I shouted out loud yesssss I've done it. So one believe in the app and believe in oneself we all get them negative little devils popping in from time to time. Remember you can do this. Good luck 🤞
I am doing mine tonight! Exited bit worried too. We have done it so far, we have stuck with it, it shows resilience and determination. We definitely can do this!!

Just go it, it’ll be fine. It is a milestone, as once under your belt, you can work yourself up to any distance. Have faith 😊
Hi NG104 I did mine on Wednesday, I’m very lucky to be doing this with a friend who has been a runner in the past and is picking back up with me in tow, I’d say ensure you stick to shady areas, try shaking your arms out after 10 mins to keep you relaxed, then just put one foot in front of the other and keep going.
Also even if you slow right down you are still doing it, don’t give up!
Good luck and come back and post when you’re done
You are absolutely ready for this. If you’ve already done week 1 run 1 to week 5 run 2, then you have done all the preparation you need to!
It’s daunting, I felt exactly the same but yesterday I completely week 6 and *whisper it* kind of enjoyed it and didn’t feel like a was going to die or - more importantly - need to stop and walk.
Set off as slowly as you possibly can and every so often check in with yourself and see if you can go a bit slower. Distance doesn’t matter at this point, this run is just showing you how awesome you are at running without stopping!
And if you get discouraged remember how difficult those first 60 seconds were or the jump from 90 seconds to 3 minutes (my own personal nemesis). It all seemed impossible until it’s over and you realise you can do it. You can do it!!!!
I've got mine tomorrow. Not worried, looking forward to it actually!
16 mins running yesterday, 20 mins running tomorrow. No big deal 😊

I just did it this morning and had been worrying about it all week, you can do it, believe in the programme and take it slowly, I feel fantastic at the moment, it feels so good to accomplish what you started out to do.

Believe in yourself, think positive thoughts, take it really slow and just do it!!! You can do this!!

I just had to reply! I awoke this morning trying not to dread W5R3 but feeling like this was a massive step up. Thanks to your post and the wonderful replies I convinced myself I could do it ....and do it I did!! I won’t pretend it’s easy but it feels like those other times when we are taken to the next level. I am so proud of myself and so will you be when you do it. The replies are so right when they say the programme gets you ready for this challenge because it does. I have won the battle between the head telling me Im not a runner and the programme telling me I am - you can too!!
I’m doing this run tomorrow morning and, I’m absolutely dreading it. I’ll post tomorrow when hopefully I’ll have not done the F word.
I did week 5 twice mainly because I looked at what was coming up on week 6, got up at 5.30 this morning off out on my own and yes completed it not saying I didn’t find it hard but I kept telling myself you’ve done it once so come on slowsue, feel so proud and ready for week 6 now, bring it on 😃