New route and lots of hills. Not sure how Strava tracks the elevation but that is not representative of the run I undertook this morning, presume it must be an average, the hills were a lot tougher than the elevation suggests... Went out at just after 7:00am this morning and it was humid already, I kept switching the side of the road I was running on to get as much shade as possible.
I have a feeling that the new trainers are working a treat as the achilles troubles have completely disappeared in my left leg and are diminishing in my right, also still doing the heel drops which stretch the calves out really nicely, especially immediately after a run.
I have loved the structure of this programme, only 2 runs left now before graduation, which is great news but quite sad at the same time. I am definitely going to and work my way up to 10 km, trouble is I don't know where I am going to find the extra time.
Hope everyone has a great run today. Cheers!