I plan to do my week 9 run 3 at a local parkrun! If I do it in 29 mins and 59 seconds does that mean that I do not graduate because I haven't run for 30 mins! Just a thought! 🤔
Just a thought! What defines graduating? - Couch to 5K
Just a thought! What defines graduating?

He he he. If you do it that fast, who cares?!

Depends what your goal is! And either of those are very worthy goals!
I think anyone who can run 5k in sub-30 minutes is not likely to have any trouble running for a full 30 minutes...

You're absolutely correct.
If you don't complete the entire 30 minute final run (given that you will done 2 identical runs in the same week) and have triple-countersigned evidence, your home will be stormed by the SAS and you will be forced to start the whole programme again. Running only at night, with a hessian bag tied over your head, wearing Wellington Boots, while subsisting on a diet of only Gregg's pasties.
Clear enough?

Wish I’d had that dilemma! Go you! 😃
Yep! You have to start it all over again if your runs are not exactly 30mins.....👀 Oh and you need to show video evidence of every run you’ve done too....ðŸ¤
I shall do a Forrest Gump through finish line! 😂😂😂