Newbie here. Just completed W2R3. Easier than the second one but somehow hurt more afterwards than after the first one. Now very nervous about week 3 and thinking I am not going to get that one in the bag on the first attempt. Left shin pain main culprit during but right hip achey and slightly "out" afterwards.
Week 3 looming : Newbie here. Just completed W2R... - Couch to 5K
Week 3 looming

In week 3 you are running the same duration as week 2. Just the walking breaks are a bit different. Some people find week 3 a bit easier than week 2. Give it a go and if you need to repeat a run or two from week 2. There’s no harm in doing that. However give it a go first you might surprise yourself

I've been nervous all way through this process, not sure why but stick with the programme it definitely works. I too had a problem with my shins early doors and started to do a few stretches before and after which sorted it. Don't forget your body is adapting to different speeds, duration in between jogging etc, every run is building you up for the next. Stick at it your doing great.
Thank you. Really missed yesterday not being a run day so hopefully that bodes well...and yes proper stretching will certainly be on the agenda!
Whhoooo! Missed yesterday due to working til dark...just forced myself out even though it started raining, and I did it! Thanks for the support