I used to be a keen runner (18 Great North Runs, that's me in the blue from 1983) but the last one was about 15 years ago and since then I have had 4 knee operations, alcohol problems, and I am now 57 and over 14 stone. I have just finished week 1 and it hasn't been too bad, although I am not sure how my knee will last out - actually signing up to this has made me want to get through it!
First week: I used to be a keen runner (18 Great... - Couch to 5K
First week
Wow! 18 Great North Runs is impressive! And well done on getting back out there again. We will cheer you on. I love the running spirit, and you sure have it for getting back into it. Hope you get that joyful running feeling back into your life... keep us posted.
PS if you can, maybe speak to a sports physio to see what you can do to best support your specific knee issue?
Well done for starting on the C25K and for finding your way into this forum. It sounds as if you have had some challenges to contend with, but hopefully you'll be able to get through this.
I am supporting a friend with Couch to 5K and it's been a long slog, as two years ago he ruptured both his quads - one completely, the other around 80 - 90%. For a while we didn't think he would ever be able to walk again, but surgery to reattach the muscle/tendon to his knee, leg braces and a very gentle physio regime got him back to walking. Last summer his physiotherapist said he should start some running. So we did very tiny intervals of running - starting of with 20 seconds between 4 minute walks. It's taken a long time to build up gradually, especially as he also has considerable lung damage due to having TB a few years ago) but he is now officially on week 4 of C25K. (Progress has been slow too because he's a head teacher and finds it hard to fit in runs mid week during term time).
I'm hoping your journey through C25K is a little more straightforward than his ongoing journey, and I hope your knees last out.
Good luck and happy running.
Good luck to you both!