Some of the playlists I have listened to on Spotify...
couch to 5k -
NOW running -
90s Workout -
As I found more I will post up - happy running.
Some of the playlists I have listened to on Spotify...
couch to 5k -
NOW running -
90s Workout -
As I found more I will post up - happy running.
I like running to music, but for the programme, I listened to the podcaster’s words, which come back to me with monotonous regularity when I struggle on runs 🙂
I have trouble with pre-made playlists as the ones I've found have too much sexist/misogynistic content and use of the n word. I have tried not listening to the words and concentrating on the beat but I'm a singer and cannot ignore words! I usually listen to a jazz radio station or classical download. I'm going to have a listen to your lists this afternoon as i want a list for Tuesday's run.
Thank you 😊
You have definitely been finding the wrong playlists. Using expletives and bad grammar whilst talking over a heavy bass beat is not music.