I have had problems with my lower back ever since rupturing a disc almost six years ago. Periodically, I do something silly and it goes into spasm and ‘locks’. It is then usually tender for a few days. A week ago, I completed Week six of C25K and am loving it. I was finding it really helped my back and it had never felt more pain free. Then I hurt my back, unrelated to running. I’ve not run for a whole week now but really want to get going again. My back is still a little stiff but not sore. Anyone ever run through a back problem? Any advice?
Running with back problem: I have had problems... - Couch to 5K
Running with back problem

Running can cause and cure back problems............. don't quote me on that, but it is my experience.
After running my first ten mile runs I developed lower back pain, which I concluded were caused by a muscle development imbalance....... namely my core was not developing as quickly as other muscles. Core strength exercises soon sorted the problem.
Most medical practitioners will recommend staying mobile and I have found that running has eased minor back niggles, however it does depend on the type of problem. I have been stopped from running before now by a (non running related) back injury and it just would not have been sensible to run until it eased. The impact of running can be quite considerable and can exacerbate certain conditions.
Learning about your body is an important part of learning to run.

I have run (very slowly) with a mild back ache, and it seemed to be okay. (Deep Heat after a soak in the bath is good too). However, you need to be cautious, and maybe just walk briskly if it is really bad, rather than force a run. Keeping mobile does seem to help.
Once it has eased off, maybe try some planks? Easy to fit in at home – I do two one minute planks a day - you can start with as little as 25 seconds and then build up over time. I am also doing Pilates now to try and help strengthen my core, as in the past I have suffered with mild lower back ache and a sore hip. This seems to be helping.
Sadie-runs x

Well done!
I had some lower backache when I first started running, which got better as I became stronger. I still get a little bit now on one side which is evident first thing in the morning when waking, but fades away later when up and moving about, and is fine when running..😊