For those who have completed couch to 5k.... - Couch to 5K

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For those who have completed couch to 5k....

Lowrie1986 profile image
30 Replies

When you did your first 5k park run, how long did it take you to complete?

I want to start doing them soon but I don't want to do it if I'm still going to be 40 mins or so to complete it. I don't want to be the last one to cross the line!

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Lowrie1986 profile image
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30 Replies
ebcroquet profile image

Good question, almost ready myself 🤔😏

IannodaTruffe profile image

Have a look at the results for your local parkrun and you will see whether you will be last or not.

You are unlikely to be last as nearly all parkruns have tail runners. Many people walk the entire 5k at many parkruns.

If you consider doing parkrun before you graduate it is wise to just do it for the experience and stick to the programmed C25K runs. I waited until I graduated before my first one.

Lowrie1986 profile image
Lowrie1986 in reply to IannodaTruffe

Yes i plan to do it once ive completed the course. Only 9 runs to go. Im quite excited!

pinkaardvark profile image

I think people times for their first park run will vary massively. But as a social and extremely friendly and supportive organisation it doesn't matter one jot what your time is, you absolutely will get amazing support even if you were going to be last, which is unlikely as lots of people pretty much walk their way round and take an hour or so. My first was 35mins and I did it a week or so after graduating c25k.

SueKen profile image

I did mine a couple of weeks after graduating and took 38 mins. There's a massive range of times at my local Parkrun (its a large one), and I wasn't last by a long way even if you discount the tailwalker. A few weeks later I did a faster run as a tourist at a smaller park run, and I was almost last, but got loads of encouragement as I finished. I've been the tailwalker a couple of times since and it really is about encouraging people to take part, not be super speedy :-)

Bess128 profile image

I completed a Park Run on news years day, I had just started C25k and walked most of it finished in 47 mins . They have a tail walker so no one finishes last. Even if you did it’s better than sitting st home on the couch , that’s definitely last. The atmosphere at a park run is great everyone is really friendly and encouraging ! If I ran after graduation I would also be in the 40 mins bracket but at least we are giving it a go , as we get stronger and fitter the pace we run may get quicker.

Lowrie1986 profile image

Thanks everyone. You have been really reassuring. I am planning on waiting until i finish the proframme before giving it a go. Im pretty sure i wont do 5k in 30 mins but hopefully ill jog it all even if its over that time and meet some friendly people at the same time :)

SueKen profile image
SueKenGraduate in reply to Lowrie1986

Hi Lowrie, pleased you are going to give it a go. Please don’t be disappointed though if you are someway off 30 mins, I’ve done 27 Parkruns now and still have some way to go to get under 30! But it is great fun.

seaspaniel profile image

The last finisher on my local Parkrun is around the 50 minute mark.

I started it as my W7 R3 but used it as part of the programme with the 5min warm up and warm down as part of the run plus a bit. Went really well. Just checked my stats and the parkrun was about 4 minutes quicker than my W7 R1. and I'm now 4 minutes quicker than that after graduating. But remember its not about speed.

If you are worried about park running there issome youtube video footage showing you what goes on. This gives a flavour

Bazza1234 profile image

A couple of months ago, I literally "limped" across the parkrun finish line in 1 hour 6 minutes - my first time for over 6 months that I had been actually able to complete 5K. Last week I was back up to 34 mins 10 seconds but still have a way to go to get close to my PB. There are all kinds at parkrun - big, small, fast, slow, runners, walkers, old, young, with and without dogs or prams, healthy and partly broken, etc. Nobody should stress over parkrun :)

martinhermanus profile image

Do it in 59 minutes next week 58 minutes following week 57 minutes and so on then you have a personal best every week for the first six months if you run toooooo fast and have a near death experience you will stop running which will be very sad as you will not be getting fitter .... walking is exellent for your health ... ps our parkrun in hermanus the time is around 1:15. We have two 89/90 year olds which are our tail runner's. As this is a life style getting fit and staying fit it's a slow boat to China. Just keep getting fit slowly so you don't injury yourself or discourage yourself.

Wantorun2013 profile image

I did park run as my graduation run. It was tough and yes l was last all bar the tail runner. However it didn’t bother me it was a very emotional experience and something ld always planned to do for my graduation

It doesn’t matter being last it’s about the achievement and remembering why you decided to start the C25k program in the first place. I never dreamed in a million years that l could run for 3 mins let alone 30 so just completing was enough for me and time doesn’t matter. The Park run ethos is about inclusion l was applauded and cheered over the finish line and l just sobbed with pride and disbelief that l had just done what l had set out to achieve.

My time was 48 mins but that doesn’t matter the feeling of achievement will be what you remember not the numbers and l will never forget that day and how l felt.

So go for it and enjoy the journey. 👍🏃‍♀️😀

Razouski profile image

If you look up the stats for the relevant Parkrun you can see everyone’s times. There are all sorts of people taking part. Some people run very fast and I’m amazed as they whizz past , others take their time and there are those who walk the whole course. So it really doesn’t matter how fast you go.

Madge50 profile image

Parkrun is not a ‘race’ , they provide a free timed run, no one will be judging you, go visit first if you’re not sure, or better still volunteer - parkrun only exists because of fabulous volunteers. The only person worried about time is you....

There is a tail walker who’s Job it is to be the last runner, so you will never be last, and even if you are, who cares? You’ve got up, exercised for 5k, you can go home feeling smug! ( plus you’ll get the biggest cheers and most encouragement)

Please give it a go, and please do not for one second think you have to be a certain speed.


Lowrie1986 profile image
Lowrie1986 in reply to Madge50

I love the bit about biggest cheer that really tickled me :)

Madge50 profile image
Madge50Graduate in reply to Lowrie1986

Well of course, us sedate lot are putting in more effort! 😂🐌 , and why would you bother getting dressed up and going out for a 16 minute sprint? (Someone asked me that one week.....) Much nicer to take your time about it, have a chat, enjoy the scenery etc.,


Clovarover profile image

Best just to soak in the atmosphere and enjoy your first parkrun, the time doesn’t matter. The more you run the more your time will improve, so a slow first run is a good thing!! I am an ancient snail runner, but the feeling of elation after a parkrun is hard to beat whatever your time! Go for it....🏃‍♀️🐌👏

Bronwydd63 profile image

I did the Forest of Dean Park run on week 7 last September whilst on a weekend away with uni friends (20+ year reunion). Our annual get together has featured a park run for a couple of years now (a couple of my friends are enthusiastic runners)and I had previously left them to it. I was really glad I gave it a go. In the end almost all of our group joined in. The older kids galloped off and finished way ahead with the ‘pros’, I chatted most of the way round with an old friend who’s been struggling with rheumatoid arthritis, we ran all the way but at a super slow pace. The littler ones and husband and dog brought up the rear at a brisk walk but still finished 5 minutes ahead of the tail walker. I was glad I did it with friends, I think I would have been anxious to ‘perform’ if I’d been alone. I’d built Park Run up in my head into a ‘race’, when actually it was just a really supportive, enthusiastic way to start a sunny morning and enjoy being out and giving it a go. There was tea and cake on the finish line, it didn’t rain and a couple were getting married that day and ran it with their wedding party - bride and groom to be, galloped off ahead of us looking very happy. I didn’t run my week 7 run (too busy chatting to listen to Sarah Millican) but my pace was much slower than usual and I found keeping going was fine (if it got hard we just went slower, my friend walked sections when she needed to, I ran along side but at the same pace). I was really chuffed I did it!!

I carried on with the rest of the programme after we got home. My advice would be first time (especially) concentrate on enjoying it, taking part in something new and don’t worry about time at all (the slower you go the first time, the more you’ll appreciate the improvement in your PB next time!!) xx

Lowrie1986 profile image
Lowrie1986 in reply to Bronwydd63

Sounds like you had a lovely time. I will def give it a go!

EmmaRunning profile image

Just over 38 mins. But there were lots of other people walking with dogs/buggies etc. You won’t be last but you will get a great sense of community which is a great feeling, and they’re usually in the mornings which leaves you with the rest of the day to do whatever you want. Enjoy it😊

revrock profile image

38 mins. Don't worry about being last or first it is about making the effort.

I have only done three but get tremendous encouragement from other runners usually as they lap me!

Just don't get drawn into going off too fast, just like the programme, slow and steady and build pace if you feel up for it.

Lowrie1986 profile image

I love this forum and all the support it brings. Thanks all it really means alot and helps so much xx

bunty65 profile image

My first time was 45 minutes and there were quite a few people after me. I would definitely recommend Parkrun, have just re started C25K as haven't run for 4 months+ and am going to go back to Parkrun around week 4

SCGUK profile image

I did C25k over more than 9 weeks 2years ago. I parkrun when I can as it gives me a reason to run - something to aim for. But... my very fastest is about 45 mins and I’m happy if I get under 50. I introduce myself to the tail walker but have rarely ended up with them. Oh, and if I feel I won’t be able to do it at all (eg chest infection) I volunteer. I love marshalling - you get to do the cheering for the 15minuters right through to the very last person 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

Lulu64 profile image

My 1st was 36 mins - but now more like 40 as the realisation has sunk in that it's not a race and at 40 mins or so I'm not the last by a long shot - I'm not bothered if I ever beat my PB- all that counts is the achievement of finishing - although I was a bit out out that a PUG just pipped me to the post last time 🤣

Lowrie1986 profile image
Lowrie1986 in reply to Lulu64

Lol think my pug would collapse of he tried bless him

GoogleMe profile image

My first 5k (never done Parkrun) was something like 1h 10 minutes.

Most recent 49 minutes 30 seconds.

PB 43 minutes but that was a few years ago now.

On the plus side, never sustained a running injury.

Sadamski profile image

My first 5K was 37 minutes, I've only ever done 1 sub 30min one after 2 years.

LordOberon profile image

About 40 mins ...

Gillma profile image

46 mins - and I wasn’t last! I take the slow and steady thing very seriously because I don’t like changing pace for walking intervals. The atmosphere and ethos are lovely - like this forum. No one can walk/run in your moccasins but everyone loves a trier - just shift your focus from ‘I must not fail’ to ‘I just have to show up and get round by whatever means and as slow as necessary.’

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