Hi guys, I have been participating since before Christmas. But due to weather and injuries this is my third attempt at week 3 which I managed to complete last week (Or so I thought!) It turns out I have been using a different app! Mine is just 5K. The process is similar but the timings on week 3 and tgere after are different. I only realised this after seeing the Google spreadsheet on the group page. Could someone clarify whether the C25K app has a mapping tool as standard and what other benefits it has please.....should i pay for the upgrade on the C25K as whenever I open the app there seems to be pop ups.
C25K app: Hi guys, I have been participating... - Couch to 5K
C25K app

If you prefer an app, the usual one (the one discussed here) is the NHS's "One You" app and it is free. You can also get free podcasts of the NHS C25K and there are merits to that for simplicity.
Arguably that's all you need until after graduation - looking at distance covered and pace often seems to have a negative impact before that, bearing in mind that the focus of the NHS C25K programme is acquiring a habit of running 30 minutes regularly rather than 5k or 5K in 30 minutes.
After that many of us will use free versions of Runkeeper, Runtastic, MapMyRun, Strava etc

hi there,
The BBC One You c25k app - the one that runs the NHS version of the C25K - doesn't have mapping, but it's totally free with no ads / popups, the ability to play your music underneath, and your choice of celebrity voices to talk you through. A lot of people like the celebs
You can use a tracking app with it if you like but people will suggest tracking isn't a concern here - our NHS version doesn't require a distance, only a time run. I started by drawing my route out afterwards in curiousity of how far I'd run and what the 'hills' were really like!
Even simpler are the podcasts which just have music built in (and the legendary Laura, whose script the celebs on the app follow anyway) but I think you've asked about playing your own music before?

Click on this link.. and download from there?
This forum follows that particular one...maybe join in on this one, and start at Week 3 ?
I use the NHS app as stated above, but at the start of week 3 I brought an "UP Move" so I could record my step/sleep activity everyday. This linked me into the free version of Strava, which tracks my route/distance, so currently have to start my c25k, UP, Strava & apple music apps before I embark on my 🏃😂.
I used the NHS podcasts for my coach to 5k journey, and I really enjoyed the lovely Laura and her encouragement - well most of the time, unless I was having a particularly difficult run, when whoever was encouraging me would have had a terse response from me. I downloaded the podcasts to my phone so that if I was out of range of a signal there was no interruption. I tried the app, but just preferred the podcasts with their standalone music for some reason.
Towards the end of the programme I used mapyrun alongside, just to get an idea of what distance I was actually covering.
Now I use Mapmyrun to track my distance and listen to various playlists I've created in Deezer. Kipping it fairly simple is probably key as too many things to faff with at the start of the run can be enough to put you off, or slow down your exit from the door. I have been none to spend longer faffing than actually running (see my previous posts on "faff" )

I was rather impulsive and have purchased the C25K app, I may as well try it once and see how I go. I am not familiar with podcasts. do I just click the link from my phone and then it stays on the phone to re-use?