New to this: Hi all just thought I would... - Couch to 5K

Couch to 5K

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Vicky45 profile image
12 Replies

Hi all just thought I would introduce myself. I am about to do my first run on couch to 5k I havent done any exercise in about 25 years and am overweight. Think the hardest part for me is getting the courage up to go outside and letting people see me. I have some not very nice neighbours that have made comments before. But I am determined to do this even if I have to get in the car drive somewhere do the 30 mins then drive home.

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Vicky45 profile image
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12 Replies
Lillybeth30mins profile image

Well done you Vicky! Great attitude! When you’re not v.self confident, then going outside in fitted clothes can feel like torture!... as a newbie myself, I can only encourage you to go for it because I can guarantee afterwards you will be on such a high (even if it’s hard work doing the run)

And those neighbours??? I’m willing to bet they’re not all stick insects who regularly exercise!... so by getting off that couch you’re already head and shoulders above them!

Good luck Vicky, and keep us posted.

Liz x

Keep-it-ticking profile image

Hi Vicky, Firstly ignore the neighbours, it's easier for them criticise others than look at their own faults. Stick to schedule and don't to get ahead of yourself and you'll be fine. Always remember you'll be lapping the person on the couch and give yourself credit for every training session you complete.

Fishypieface profile image

Hi Vicky, well done on making a start on c25k. One side of my neighbours are also undesirables. I am also overweight and I'm 45, having done little proper exercise for many a year. I did the programme in my garden because I was so worried about people seeing me in my running gear. Even though I was up and out early I am sure they were spying on me as they always seem to be in their garden 24/7 and they are incredibly nosey. But then I thought I can get thinner and fitter, but they will always be horrible. Plus she's fatter than me which helped!! :)

You get to do a 5 minute warm up/down either side of the main running bits, so you'd only be walking away from your house at that point (hopefully with 2 fingers up to their window), they wouldn't see you 'in action'. Now that I go out in the real world I get up early - about 6.30am when no one else is about. I'm home before they've even surfaced for the day to start their miserable existence! :)

Just post on here if you are ever finding it tricky - that's what I did (unfortunately for many!) - there is so much encouragement on here and that is all you will find - lovely people on your side, willing you on to do well.

Good luck, you can do it and we are here to help :)

misswobble profile image

Welcome 🙂. That’s what I did! Took myself off to the local country park. I hid out there for months. Great idea 👍😃. C25k is a fab programme. Just take your time and you’ll finish each session. All you need to do is complete each one. If you go nice and slow you’ll be ok

It’s fun! It’ll make you giggle I used the podcasts with Laura but folks seem to use the app these days

I’ve lost loads of weight by combining running with healthy eating 🏃‍♀️🙂

Oldfloss profile image

Welcome... check this useful post out too,

Take it slow and steady and try, ( and I know it is hard) to forget other folk! They are unpleasant sometimes... but not often.. and you? Well, you are doing something, for you!

If it helps, drive somewhere.. flat would be my choice :) and run there, until you feel confident..

Keep posting here for massive support and encouragement and NO nastiness... ever!

Have you peeked at one of the NHS sister sites too..many of the folk on here are on there also and find it works well :)

This is your journey... and do not let anyone deter you from your choice.... :)


"Insults are the last resort of insecure people who are trying to appear confident in their own weak position."

Go for it... and keep posting please:) We are with you every step of the way!

Lillybeth30mins profile image
Lillybeth30minsGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

Oldfloss! I really love that statement: “insults are the last resort” etc.

Hope I can remember it to say at an Appropriate time! Ha!

Liz x

Elfe5 profile image

Welcome Vicky! This is a great program, you will amaze yourself! If you download the podcasts Laura's voice tells you what to do, encourages you & saves watch gazing hassles.

I felt very self conscious to begin with, so I found some footpaths along hedgerows where I was nicely concealed for a while - I don't think about it now. You will gain confidence as time goes on.

Let us know how you get on so we can cheer for you. 😄

Vicky45 profile image

Thankyou so much everyone. I feel so lucky to have found this site with lovely and encouraging people on it. You have made me realise that I can do it and the fears I have many of you have had too. I can do this.

Bluebirdrunner profile image
BluebirdrunnerGraduate in reply to Vicky45

Hi Vicky, you CAN do it.. Good luck with your first session.😊x

rolysmate profile image

If it makes it more comfortable do as you say and jump in your car and go off to do your runs, your confidence I'm sure will improve and so will your ability but enjoy

VictoriaRuns profile image

Hello! I'm a Vicky too, well a Victoria. And another thing we have in common, as everyone on this forum and programme did is the apprehension before starting out.

I could tell you not to pay any attention to your neighbours as you'll soon be running circles around them and be a sleeker healthier you that they envy, but sometimes that's not enough for us to face our fears. So for practical solutions, I would say you have a number of options.

You could do as you say and drive to a nice location such as a park to do your running (you might feel nervous about people seeing you there too, but I promise, they are either taking no notice of you, or they are impressed with you getting out there).

You could go to the gym and do it on a treadmill.

You could get up early to run before their curtains twitch.

You could implore a friend or family member to do the programme with you so you are in together and have more confidence.

Whatever you choose, I promise that just choosing to do this will be great for you. Let us know how it goes.

Kingfisherk26 profile image

Go for it Vicky45 and stuff what anyone thinks.

As I type I am pretty angry that you are being put off by the comments of others but I will restrain myself and keep things civilized. You are doing it for you. Every time you go out you are already ahead of all the couch spuds who are glued to the idiot tube watching "I'm a celebrity get me out of this goggle box come bake-off".... !!!!

I'm an overweight 50 year old bloke... but I'm not as fat as I was, I feel better and am fitter than I was 10 years ago.

What about going on a treadmill at the gym? Sounds a daft suggestion as you'd think you would be more on show... and I speak as a bloke who goes as red as a tomato, sweats buckets and wears an old t shirt. However I find nobody is really interested (the body beautifuls all seem to be doing the free weights well away from the treadmills. I know a younger colleague who does a lot of weights and confesses that she can't run for more than 10 mins even though she is pretty ripped (... I think that's the phrase). The Gym I go to is a gym not a health club ... no spa, pool etc. Ok it costs £15 p month but I get my moneys worth!

I recently came across a lady on YouTube called Julie Creffield.

She seems to have a brilliant attitude to life and running. Have a look and see what you think.

Rant over... happy running.

P.S. Maybe not now... but one you have got a few weeks under your belt have a look at Parkrun... it took me quite a bit of courage to turn up to my local event... but there are people of all ages, shapes and sizes who do this every Saturday. Some are budding Olympians... some like us need to get fitter... some run a bit and walk a bit. At my local there are people in wheelchairs, taking dogs and pushchairs around with them and a couple of inspirational people, a gentleman and a lady who are both over 80! one guy had an inspirational T shirt which said "Don't underestimate a bloke who is 70 and can run like this". I read this as he lapped me... now that's my aim over the next 19 years!!!!!

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