Make Friends & Help Each Other: Hi guys, I'm... - Couch to 5K

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Alibi79 profile image
40 Replies

Hi guys, I'm Allison, 38. I've just started. I'm on week 1 run 3. It's so hard. As I'm 8 stone overweight. Any hints & tips are more than welcome. Can I just ask. Does it get easier? Real results?

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Alibi79 profile image
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40 Replies
Cornet-Carolyn profile image

Welcome and you are doing brilliantly. I wouldn't have ever imagined I could run but this programme is magic! It works and now I can run just for fun 😊🏃‍♀️

Alibi79 profile image
Alibi79 in reply to Cornet-Carolyn

Did you start to lose weight, stay in shape or get fit?

Cornet-Carolyn profile image
Cornet-CarolynGraduate in reply to Alibi79

I had already lost 5 stone in weight so that wasn't my motivation. I'm 56 and have never done any exercise beyond walking the dog😉 I started the programme when a friend at work did, although we don't run together. We both graduated within a week of each other and both still run for fun 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️

Alibi79 profile image
Alibi79 in reply to Cornet-Carolyn

Oh wow. Congrats on your weight loss. That's amazing. I'm doing this & eating weight watcher meals. How did you lose?

Cornet-Carolyn profile image
Cornet-CarolynGraduate in reply to Alibi79

A year at slimming world and I still go to keep on plan 😉

Alibi79 profile image
Alibi79 in reply to Cornet-Carolyn

Oh ok. I tried so many things. I'm hoping this is the 1

misswobble profile image


The programme is a beauty! 🙂 Thousands of folks of all shapes, ages and sizes have graduated from it. It’s an nhs one and is free,,either as an app or podcast

I lost nearly five Stones using a combination of Weightwatchers, walking my neighbour’s dog and walking more generally. Once my weight loss got to 3.5 Stones I started the C25k programme as I wanted to learn to run to keep up with the dog.

Once I learned to run I never stopped and have just done my first marathon aged 60

I think it’s brilliant. Have a look at some of the imsoirational posts 😃

Alibi79 profile image
Alibi79 in reply to misswobble

Omg. Well done you. That's amazing. I'm so looking forward to seeing results. I'm doing this 3 times a week. Is that enough?

runningnearbeirut profile image
runningnearbeirutGraduate in reply to Alibi79

You're doing exactly what the programme recommends. Do some different exercise on rest days if you want, but leave at least one day between runs.

MarkyD profile image

Hi Allison & welcome, welcome both to our little community, and to the new you. With determination, commitment, occasional nagging from us we can rebuild you :-) To be honest we don't really advocate C25K as a weight-loss program, but becoming more active, and at the same time eating a calorie-controlled diet will help you lose weight. The early walk/runs in C25K are going to burn about 200 calories, and so don't reward yourself with a snack when you get back. Most of the weight loss reported in this forum comes from folks taking an active stance about their overall health, combining the increased activity with paying attention to what they're eating. One thing is certain, though. You can expect to become more toned and firmer. You may not lose any weight, but you can expect to lose some inches and even drop a dress size (or two).

The best approach is to post regularly, ask for help or encouragement, and commit to following the C25K program. This will have you running 3 times per week. You must take the rest days to prevent injury. So no running on those days, but you can swim, walk, cycle, follow the Strength and Fitness program or anything else non-impact.

Keep at it, post often and let us know how you are getting along.

Alibi79 profile image
Alibi79 in reply to MarkyD

Hi. Awww thank you. I welcome any advice. I've read so many good things. I have nothing to lose trying it except this weight. This app is key to my freedom. Getting me active. It also lifts my mood so defo going in the right direction 😁

Christene profile image
ChristeneGraduate in reply to Alibi79

Firstly, a massive well done for getting this far.

Secondly, you are right about the app, it is key, but it only unlocks your potential. It’s you that does the running, and walking for now, stick with it, don’t go crazy with it, but you need to put enough effort in to get your heart pumping, and is not pretty but if you get a sweat on your doing well, you are burning fat, and watch what you eat. I’ve lost 3.5st in the last 6 months .... no special diets either ... I just eat what I want, but less of it ... 😊

All that, coupled with a huge amount of support from your running family, will be all the encouragement you need ...

Well done ... 😘

Bluebirdrunner profile image

Hi Alison, and welcome to the c25k forum.

The program is great and does work, as MarkyD says it is not a weight loss program, but one which will help you get fitter, feel good about yourself and be able run. You will tone up along the way and hopefully enjoy the journey..

Follow the instructions given by your coach on the app, take at least one days rest between runs and do some gentle stretches after your warm down walk while your muscles are still warm.

There is lots of great information on this link which you may find helpful...

Good luck 😊 x keep posting so we can encourage and help you...

Oldfloss profile image

Hi... and welcome..

This, as you will have gathered is not a weight loss programme.. but, it is a great place to be to help you feel fitter and stronger, both mentally and physically!

Linked with a healthy eating regime, you may find it helps your weight loss. or not:) Take MarkyD and Bluebirdrunner days are essential, listen to your body, post your journey and take it slow and steady :)

aliboo70 profile image

Hi and welcome from another Ali! 😆

You have made a great decision in starting! Like others have said you may not see huge weightloss but the results in terms of toning and trimming your body are reward enough. It's great to see results and I got a great deal of confidence and self esteem from following the programme, it really does work, just take it steady and follow the plan it's tried and tested by 1000s of us! I started nearly 4 years ago and it's given me focus and structure and a whole load of new friends via parkrun,run clubs and of course on here. They are a great bunch with a wealth of knowledge and friendly support!😊keep on going .....

Alibi79 profile image
Alibi79 in reply to aliboo70

Awww thank you. I'm so nervous. But it seems ur all fab & if I need help or advice I can just give u a shout. X

MickGJ profile image

I wouldn't say it gets easier, exactly....but things start changing quite quickly. You'll be amazed.

Alibi79 profile image
Alibi79 in reply to MickGJ

Awesome. I'm scared but excited too. Lol

Richard7 profile image

Hi Allison. I am Richard in my 50s - I started this C25K the last weekend in August and found it really difficult to start with. I graduated beginning of November and so can say yes it does get easier.

I still find it tough going but I am also overweight. I started the programme to get fitter and lose weight and one of the first things that I read on here was that you might not lose weight. I have lost 2 stone so far and reckon I need to lose another 4-5 total to be where I need to be.

I would attribute my weight loss to C25K but not completely. Doing C25K has also changed my attitude such that it is also making me think about what I am eating and also about my activity level.

When I tried losing weight 2-3 years ago I lost 2 stone and then put it all back on again. This time I feel that I have a magic weapon with the running that will help to keep the LBs dropping off.

My biggest advice to you and so many have said it before me is to run slow - if you push too fast it will be so much harder. Let your legs and body get used to slow running before you try and run like the wind!!

Well done for getting going - the early weeks are difficult but believe in yourself and keep running- the rewards are there.

Alibi79 profile image
Alibi79 in reply to Richard7

Awww thank you so much. Well done on your journey. I'm more than happy to hear any tips you have

Babeliane profile image

Congratulations on starting the plan! It does get easier - you may not believe it in the beginning, when it feels really hard, but it's true.

Keep up the good work!

Alibi79 profile image
Alibi79 in reply to Babeliane

Thank you x

p1M2l3 profile image

Hi Allison. I started this programme because I have struggled with being overweight all my life. However unlike some the idea was not to lose weight because of it but because I had always hated the idea of running but I wanted to set myself a psychological challenge. I have thought that when not if I finish the programme I can tell myself that if I can finish I can do anything including losing weight. I am now starting Week 7 and despite being 4 and 1/2 stone overweight it has been easier than I thought. What's more I have people telling me I am an inspiration and they are going to do the programme!!That's a shock I can tell you. It's great for your self esteem and my legs are much thinner and toned. I am planning to go to the local parkrun ahd I'm going to do a 5k race in January. I feel like I'm a different person. It's all good even when you have to push yourself. Good luck

Alibi79 profile image
Alibi79 in reply to p1M2l3

Oh wow that's amazing. I hope I can get to my goal. Your doing fab

badcrumble profile image

Hi Allison. I'm just about to set off for my first run of week 4. I'm overweight too and the first couple of weeks were very tough. I'm doing it 3 times a week. I thought 60 secs of running was going to kill me on week 1 and my body couldn't move with all the aches the next few days afterwards but I'm still plodding on. I haven't lost any weight (but that might be to do with the copious amounts of xmas goodies I'm stuffing in my face at the mo 😬!). It gets easier, which you'll find hard to believe after week 1! The guys on here are brilliant to help motivate you too. You can do it!! 😁

Alibi79 profile image
Alibi79 in reply to badcrumble

Thank you & we done getting 2 week 4. It hurts so much. But I'm doing it. I've got a diet plan. A fitness class & this app so fingers crossed I'll boss my goal

Langley-Loper profile image

Hello and well done just for getting started! I found the first week really tough too. I swear that 60 seconds of running took at least 3 felt like it!

Keep popping back here for support and read the other posts so you can piggy-back on the support offered to others too. It's a great community.

Alibi79 profile image
Alibi79 in reply to Langley-Loper

Yeah it seems fab here. The 2nd run felt easier than the 1st. So I'm hoping it's going to keep feeling like that . Thank you :)

ancientrunner profile image

Well done for starting. As others have said the programme alone probably won't result in weight loss but I think it changes your attitude to your overall fitness/activity levels and you start walking more/trying other things which all help. Good luck and take your time. It's not that it becomes easier it's that you can achieve more with the same effort which is gives you a boost .

Alibi79 profile image
Alibi79 in reply to ancientrunner

It's making me think different. If you said to me last month I'm going to be running I would have probably said looooooooool. For me to be actually doing it & feeling positive is awesome. Thank you

misswobble profile image

I am with WW and have been for a long time. I still go to class most weeks

The WW app is brilliant and makes things so much easier

I make my own meals as it’s cheaper but you learn more about food by doing so. Lots of fresh fruit and veg and keeping moving. Try and be moving instead of sitting.

Swim, walk, cycle, C25k, dance or whatever

Good luck 🙂

Alibi79 profile image
Alibi79 in reply to misswobble

Hi. Awww thank you. Will have a look at the app

Hello, and well done for making a start. I began in August, but I'm still at week 5 level. Because I'm a bit old and overweight, I decided this was something of a long-term goal, not something to rush at and later regret. I'm trying to run 3 times each week, with strolls on my rest days. I'm finding it a challenge, but today ran for 8 minutes for the first time. I'm repeating the runs more than the requirement, so eg week 1 ran this one 8 times before I felt confident to move on. Week 2 the same again, and I'm gradually building up the strength and mobility that I need. I'll probably carry on repeating runs - and actually for me it's more about just the enjoyment of running rather than a target of 5K.

The great thing about this programme is that it really IS for everyone.

Alibi79 profile image
Alibi79 in reply to

Awww well done on running 8 minutes. That's amazing. It is hard, but as you say slow & steady. Do what you feel comfortable with. It sounds like your doing it right for yourself. Thank you

Imeviesgranny profile image

Hi Allison. First of all give yourself a huge pat on the back for starting the challenge. It wont be easy but tell yourself giving up is not an option. There are so many inspirational stories on the forum and you’ll definitely see others who have overcome the same challenges you face. The one piece of advice everyone gets is ‘slow and steady’. It works! Good luck!

Alibi79 profile image
Alibi79 in reply to Imeviesgranny

Hi. Thank you. Yes defo slow & steady for me. I'm hoping with the knowledge I have & new friends here I will achieve my goal

Shelby1973 profile image

Hiya and welcome aboard 🏃‍♀️my advice is same as everyone’s slow and steady and don’t worry about speed or distance . U can do this Alison have faith in the app and just think by the end of feb Ull be able to run 30 mins non stop . It really is achievable . Go for it and keep us posted xx

VictoriaRuns profile image

Hi Alison, a huge welcome to you! Like you, my very first post on this site was to ask the question, when does it get easier? Although I have to say truthfully every week has been a challenge, it is certainly doable, and what's more, enjoyable. I graduated last week so me, like hundreds and thousands of others are proof you can do this.

Others have cautioned you this isn't a weight loss programme, but that doesn't meant you won't lose weight, just that you shouldn't rely on the programme alone to. What it will do is give you the skills to lose weight. These include but are not limited to stronger lungs, a healthier heart, stronger core and legs, stamina, perseverance and patience. You will do well. But it won't always be easy. That's when you post on here and we all give you a leg up. Good luck!

Hillrunner2201 profile image

Some good advice in the post above! I always feel bit uncomfortable with the the warning that c25k 'isn't a weight loss programme'. Strictly speaking this is correct but personally it's the ONLY thing that has got me to lose weight in a long term sustainable way through getting me to enjoy exercise and change my attitude to food. Three years after graduating I've lost weight, kept it off and run a marathon. If you stick with programme you will notice little changes each week. Don't worry too much about weight, just stick to eating healthy foods, not too much of them and working through each week of the programme. Good luck!

Alibi79 profile image

Omg. Xmas has blown me right off track & now I need to start again. I suppose it's the joys of having a large family. Lol. It's been manic & I've not had the time. So have to start again. Thank you to everyone whose given me help & advice. As a newbie I really appreciate it. Thank you guys 🤗

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