Well this is strange. 8 weeks ago I not only didn't run, I didn't even understand people who did. Now I'm setting off at 6:30am to run along a beach in Australia. Even 6 weeks ago I was sure I'd put the whole thing on ice until I got back and have to start from scratch one cold morning in January (or, more likely, not).
Turns out setting off at 6:30am was the smart thing to do but setting off at 6 would have been smarter. The temperature rose steadily as I jogged along and the cheery "g'days" were met with "bluwahaha...buh". But everyone here is very proud of their beach and seems genuinely pleased to see visitors enjoying it.
Disaster (exaggeration alert) struck at the end. Michael told me I'd done 20 minutes then...told me I'd done 20 minutes! I'd somehow rewound the programme....I fiddled around with it and jogged on for a bit so who knows how long I ran for. But I'm calling this a win anyway.