New Year's Resolution - A Bit Early I know - Couch to 5K

Couch to 5K

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New Year's Resolution - A Bit Early I know

39 Replies

So all, sorry I've been a bit quiet of late - a lot on and not enough time to do it in!

Anyway this is my public declaration of effort - I figure if I tell you all about it, then I have to do it. I don't know exactly how many runs or kms or whatever I will be doing, but from now until the end of next year, I will be doing runs for Alzheimers, so they may be virtual runs etc, and if anyone knows of any happening in Italy, then please, please let me know.

Got to work out when I do my first one, and if you're interested why Alzheimers, then that question is answered here.

Wish me luck and strong legs!

39 Replies
misswobble profile image

I do wish you luck! A good cause! 🙂👍🏃‍♀️

in reply to misswobble

Every step helps! Thanks 👍

Slinkymalinki profile image

Good for you! I'll run virtually with you. Sorry to read your news in your blog but glad your fighting spirit prevails to help stop this insidious, devastating disease. The Running Down Dementia campaign by Alzheimer's Research UK in conjunction with Parkrun is continuing next year if you fancy going down that route - 100km target, doesn't have to be Parkruns - you'd smash that quickly with those super strong pins doing 10k +!!

Enjoy all the precious moments you have with your pops - our loved ones are still 'there' somewhere even when you think they can't be possibly be. Talk, laugh, sing & run, run, run!! X

in reply to Slinkymalinki

You know that’s a great idea to start and as I am in and out of the Uk the fact it doesn’t have to all be Park Runs is a help. Thanks for the company! We run to fight 👍

nhs2015 profile image

The University of Tasmania MOOC section is running two free online courses. Preventing Dementia and Understanding Dementia. People from all over the world can join. I did the first one Preventing Dementia, 6 weeks course. I am looking at doing the next one. If you are interested in Alzheimer, you will find it interesting.

Knowledge is Power

Gillma profile image
GillmaGraduate in reply to nhs2015

Have signed up w them, thanks nhs2015.

in reply to nhs2015

Thanks for this, very interesting I am going to check it out.

nhs2015 profile image

Good luck. 😄

Cornet-Carolyn profile image

What a lovely moving post on your blog. My Dad also has Alzheimer's but fortunately still know his family.

I will join you in your runs for this worthy cause in 2018.

Best of luck x

in reply to Cornet-Carolyn

Thanks Carolyn I am travelling today but I think my first commitment will be the Park Run 100kms

Sadie-runs profile image

I wish you all the luck in the world, dear Jan, but I know you won't need it, as you will be running for something that has deep meaning for you. I watched my grandpa slowly disappear into Alzheimer's and it broke my heart. Big hug to you - run like the wind. xxx

in reply to Sadie-runs

Thanks it’s such an awful disease and frightening to see what it does to your loved ones. I never imagined the reality of his situation- like most of us I read up on it and did my research. Every sufferer is different and so I watch with horror as we lose him. But as people have fought for cancer cures and had such amazing progress

, I am sure that one day we will beat it.

Gillma profile image

Good blog post JCR - and good use of running energy...good plan.

in reply to Gillma

Thanks Gillma

TJMazz profile image

What a very touching post on your blog. I wish you every success with running for Alzheimers. Sending best wishes to you and your Pops. 😀

in reply to TJMazz

Thanks TJ much appreciate

TiredOldMan profile image

Great blog post and a good cause too. Good luck Jan x

in reply to TiredOldMan

Thanks T.O.M.

A very poignant post Jancanrun. Pops lives on in the memories of those who love him and no disease can take that away. Running down dementia is a great idea 🏃🏾‍♀️

in reply to

That’s the plan and the post means I have to walk the walk not just talk it. This forum is a great way of keeping your focus, I have found. Travelling for 2 days but running has to go on- thanks for the support

VictoriaRuns profile image

Fab! Keep on runnin'

HeleneCorsa profile image

Your post is very moving and your cause a very worthy one. No-one can take away your memories of your Pops but it must be heartbreaking that they have been taken from him.

My father-in-law died two years ago but had lived with Alzheimer's for almost fifteen. He also developed Parkinson's disease, which is what eventually caused his death. Alzheimer's is cruel and painful to witness and I would not wish this on anyone. The one thing we really did learn is how to live in the moment. It is all too easy not to do certain things because we know they will be forgotten as soon as they happen, but I believe that keeping joy, security and love in every moment, as far as is humanly possible, increases the wellbeing of the dementia sufferer overall. It is far from easy though.

I will be happy to run with you for Alzheimer's - please keep us all posted on any virtual or real runs we can join in.

in reply to HeleneCorsa

Over the holidays I will work up my plan and keep you posted, it is quite astonishing just how many of us are or have been affected by it. And so it would be great to have company on my runs

Mummycav profile image

What a fantastic New Years resolution....just such a caring & thoughtful idea...i may join you on a virtual run for Alzheimer’s if you’ll let me? x

in reply to Mummycav

It’s a deal I would be honoured by that. It always feels better as a team effort! Thanks so much

Razouski profile image

Hidden I am so sorry to hear about your Pops, and as I read your blog I ended up having a bit of a teary moment myself. My mum, having always been a strong woman, was diagnosed with Alzheimer's in 2013. She had been showing signs for sometime, and had been feeling that she was being left out of conversations and arrangements, as she was just not remembering that she'd been told things or had come to family dos.

She hated knowing that she was not functioning cognitively as she should be, and it was a difficult couple of years for us all. In the summer of 2015 she then suffered a stroke but then had no idea why she was in hospital and was convinced she was being kept prisoner (not helped by the fact that the hospital window looked out on Parkhurst Prison). We had a tough few weeks when she had another stroke leaving her non-responsive and we could do nothing except watch with her and keep her company - wth lots of music and singing too - until she died later that summer.

Alzheimer's is such a rubbish disease, and affected the whole family far more than we'd expected.

So I wish you strong legs and a strong spirit, and am sending you a big big hug. (And don't worry about your potty mouth - it shows you care.)


p.s. if there is a real run in aid of Alzheimers and you want some company I'd be happy to join you.

p.p.s. I found the book Contented Dementia by Oliver James really helpful in getting my head round how to cope (although I took some of it with a pinch of salts, but it gave my sister and me a way of coping)

in reply to Razouski

Thanks so much for this we have been on the road travelling back to Italy so out of synch. I would love to run on a real one and thanks for the book recommendation too. My plan is to look at all the runs virtual and real and work up a plan of attack over Christmas

I never realised just how many people are affected by this awful disease- it’s quite astonishing how many of us there are. And frighteningly how many more there will be. But I genuinely think if the fundraisers can get impetus the way they did for cancer we stand a chance if helping others not to have to experience what we do. 💪🏽💪🏽

Watch this space and I will work out the plan!

Xx J

Anthie profile image

Good luck, Jan! Go and run! Let's hope this will help the cause. And get the strength from your running to deal with your father's condition. It's a part of ourselves that goes away when our memories are obliterated by the disease and we feel so powerless. So you have all my support.

in reply to Anthie

Thanks for your kind wishes and messsge if support sorry for delay in reply but have been on the road for 2 days and just got a breather

Anthie profile image
AnthieGraduate in reply to

Don't you worry about delay (especially with so many people answering)! I didn't expect you to write back. Take care of yourself, that's what is important and find some time for running ;-)

IgaT profile image

Good luck! You can and you will do it! Stay strong!

in reply to IgaT

Cheers Iga how are you doing now? I saw your recent post but was travelling and so didn’t urge you on then, but I do now. Are you slightly less busy and is your partner back at home now? Hope you have a happy and tranquil holiday over Christmas and New Year

IgaT profile image
IgaTGraduate in reply to

Hi sweetie :) Yeap, my partner came back yesterday, ill... As she finally have couple of days off, her body decided to finally surrender.

I'm still busy, but X-mas and few days off are coming :) I'm doing some leg strengthening exercises to prepare them for running again. My back, well some days are good, others not ao great. I'm still tired and looking forward for a long X-mas weekend and have at least one day of literally doing nothing.

If we don't speak later on, I want to wish you Merry Christmas and great bank holidays!

in reply to IgaT

Hi there, sorry for delay in reply it is hectic here, organising stuff for Christmas with visitors coming, and a freezing cold house to heat up, fill so have been marathon running in the kitchen! making mincemeat, mince pies, scones, pudini and all sorts of goodies for my friends. I am sorry about your partner being poorly hopefully a break will make her better. It always seems that just as you get chance to rest, wham an illness comes along. You both need some rest and tlc. I hope you have a lovely Christmas and holiday time, and that you get some much needed rest and relaxation with your lovely partner. Best wishes, buone feste as we say in Italy!

IgaT profile image
IgaTGraduate in reply to

No need for apologies, we all run as lunatics before Christmas ;) Illness comes when your body refuses to hold on any longer and it knows that couple of free days are perfect timing. In the end you won't have to go to work, so perfect time to sleep and recover.

We are taking care of each other, doing some late shopping and cooking.

Have a lovely time with your family and friends!

antet profile image

Love to you and your Dad. Such a positive way to channel your frustration. Looking forward to reading about your progress as always xx

in reply to antet

Thanks so much, I have to plan my year now, so am looking at all the alternatives for the running. Yesterday was my first Italian run. I appear to have lost my hill running legs in just 8 weeks back in London - ho hum!

I hope you have a lovely Christmas and Happy New Year

HeleneCorsa profile image


Just spotted this and thought of you, Hidden

(Admin peeps, not sure if I am allowed to put URLs in posts...? Hope this is ok).

There is the full marathon, a 30k and a 21k. Not sure if there are any fun runs or shorter events linked to it too.

I think I can do the 21km (half-marathon) in Cesena to Cesanatico which is about an hour away from us. I need to check out though if I have to be a registered and 'medically certificated' runner of a club, as that seems to be a pre-requisite for running. Thanks for this I'd never have found it... And it helps toward my 2018km in 2018 for Alzheimer's. Speaking of which just need to get my sorry arse out there and run this afternoon....

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