New Year's Resolution?: Just wondering if many... - Couch to 5K

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New Year's Resolution?

silver91 profile image
20 Replies

Just wondering if many people, like me, took up running with C25k as a new year's resolution, and how it's going for them?

I did the program a couple of years ago but after I reached the end of the podcasts didn't really continue with the running. However, over the last year or so I've really been overworking myself, and have been constantly sat down either glued to my desk or commuting, doing no exercise and getting very little sleep - consequently I piled on the weight.

This year I decided I really needed to do something about it and have drawn myself up a new diet plan and started C25k again to get back down to a more healthy weight.

So far it's going really well, I'm due to start week three tomorrow and although it's not been *easy* it's not been difficult so far either. It seems to be working too - the holiday weight has fallen off - and I've lost just under a stone in the first two weeks! While I'm not expecting to keep losing at that rate, it's a good start and will hopefully see me get down to where I want to be in a few months or so.

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silver91 profile image
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20 Replies
the_tea_fairy profile image

That's amazing work, well done! If you're overworking as well I'd really recommend building in short sessions of something like mindfulness meditation (there are free, short guided meditations online) or yoga as well to carve out little bits of 'sane' time in all the chaos. Sounds silly but makes a huge difference.

misswobble profile image
misswobbleGraduate in reply to the_tea_fairy

You have to stick with it! Don't be deterred from your goal. You have to be tough and find your willpower. Eat clean, keep running and you'll get your health back, bust some stress and lose weight. Toning up too!!! At least by running you are making your weight loss easier

I think once you find that you are getting fitter, slimmer etc the success of it keeps you motivated and you want to carry on

Stick with the programme, listen to Laura and don't cry off any of the runs. If you go very slowly you should be able to get through 9 weeks without injury. The trick is going slowly enough so you don't get achey ankles,knees etc.

Good luck. By the way there are some fab low cal meals to be had. Just get cooking! Get in that kitchen and rattle them pots and pans!

silver91 profile image
silver91 in reply to misswobble

Thanks misswobble, it's actually been quite fun so far - I've never really had motivation issues as far as the running goes - but it's been interesting seeing what meals I can make without the carbs/calories (I worked in the restaurant trade for many years so plenty of inspiration, just need to pare back my obsession with dairy/carbs)!

GoogleMe profile image
GoogleMeGraduate in reply to the_tea_fairy

Yes - I see plenty of people who are physically pretty fit but not emotionally.

silver91 profile image
silver91 in reply to the_tea_fairy

Great tip - I started using Headspace in October as well as gradually decreasing my workload where I could - it's helped a lot!

no-excuse profile image

Wow you've done well! I started c25k this time last year. My resolution to get more active -and I'm still running! I hope you stick with it x :-)

silver91 profile image
silver91 in reply to no-excuse

Thanks no-excuse, so do I! I've got one of the most picturesque park runs just up the road from me so that's the eventual aim after I finish the podcasts - a timed run on Saturday's and two more in the week to build fitness/stamina etc - I do a bit of volunteer work for a cancer charity so would love to run a half marathon at some point soon to raise some funds for them, will see how things progress but if times come down and training goes well I'm looking at doing a 10k during the summer and will take it from there.

GoogleMe profile image

My New Year's Resolution in 2012 wasn't so much to do C25K but to lose weight to reduce my health risks. I had done it once before but, unable to exercise, it was a hard slog requiring constant vigilance. This time round, my health was a little better and I began with some 'random acts of fitness' (eg parking further away from the supermarket doors) I found sustaining a brisk walk too painful, during and after and it was clear it wasn't going to work. I came across NHS C25K which didn't ask me to do any of the offputting stretching I saw relatives doing, and only asked me to run for 60 seconds. I started at the beginning of February on a canal towpath, dog on the lead, normal clothing, my backpack full, in walking boots. I amazed myself by managing the first 4 of those 60 second runs, and walked the rest. I was so proud!

I have slowly worked up an all round fitness habit - I've extended my running sometimes (other times I just do my 30 minutes, or an interval session), up to to 10k. My speeds are slow (although you'd have to factor in some of my chosen terrain, I do not run on roads) but it is quite important for me not to push too hard. After graduating I first aimed for a 5k run, then I did Runkeeper's Run for Fat Loss programme (a bit haphazardly if I am honest), then the NHS C25K+ podcasts came out.

I've added swimming and worked up to 1km in 40 minutes, yoga (using Ekhart yoga online, I do not have the stamina (or the money) for a studio class) - I do 5-10 minutes every morning (and that's my stretching for running, I don't stretch next to my run session) and try to do another longer session or two in the week plus relaxation and meditation sessions, I did the NHS Strength and Flexibility podcast programme. I borrowed a digital audiobook from the library with hypnosis for weight loss. I did dozzer from the forum's 'discombobulated triathlon' (30 minutes swim, run, cycle... not necessarily in the same session but I did manage mine on the same day - only time the bike came out last year!)

I went from obese to a healthy BMI - still got another 10kgs to go not to be carrying extra round my middle. My weight did creep up and over the line over Christmas (or rather, eating up leftovers afterwards) and I can see how refocusing on exercise is a great nudge. I don't burn many calories during my exercise sessions but it does really help the weight loss, presumably due to metabolic effects.

I think the most I've gone without a run is 10 days, maybe a fortnight once, but generally I am running at least once a week. I've had loads of fun with my running - I think more about 'where do I want to go' - and I am still working towards a couple of big runs I'd like to achieve. I think this year, 3 years on, might be the one where I do them. The six weekly Quests that Realfoodieclub puts up here (you might be ready for the one that starts after the one that starts tomorrow) are great - just the right sort of time frame and you choose your own goals.

This is very long and in a way I am hijacking your thread because there's something I want to say, a really important fitness measure for me that I achieved yesterday: I vacuumed the house, pretty much all of it, in more or less one go. That is a massive, massive achievement for me. I don't suppose it would make a great advert for the benefits of NHS C25K, but for me, it is.

roisin99 profile image
roisin99 in reply to GoogleMe

I think that's a massive achievement and you are a great advertisement for the Programme. I think that starting to slot fitness into our lives is what C25K is all about. Posts like yours is what made me start the programme. thanks

silver91 profile image
silver91 in reply to GoogleMe

That's a great success story GoogleMe! I think that's the aim for all of us, certainly me anyway - to make our daily lives easier through becoming fitter. I've still got quite a way to go, but can't wait until I finish the 9 weeks and see what I can do after that - as I said above I'd love to do a 10k in a reasonable time and perhaps even a half marathon a little further down the road - but for now I'll keep plodding on until I reach that goal.

Juliejam profile image

Hi silver

I did this for exactly the same reasons as you. It's helped me and I know it will do the same for you- Keep with it. Work better and smarter but in less time. Find time for yourself to run. You deserve that.

Good luck

silver91 profile image
silver91 in reply to Juliejam

Thanks Juliejam, I was just curious but seems a lot have had the same idea. I've managed to get my workload down and under control now, so this combination of eating/sleeping/treating myself better and the C25k is the next step towards where I want to be. It's going well so far, today's run felt good (if a little chilly at -1C) so just need to stay with it now.

I've seen lots of new runners who are just starting out, here on the forum. You all have my respect for getting out there for the first times in this grim weather! I'm sure I wouldn't have started in January! Well done, Spring's on its way, keep us posted x

silver91 profile image
silver91 in reply to

Haha thanks CurlyGurly, it was pretty chilly (-1C) out there this morning! I just wanted to get started while I wasn't back at work and get myself into a routine before getting back to the grind. I'd be lying if I said I was enjoying the winter weather but I think I'd prefer that to overheating in summer, at least this way I can wear gloves!! No issues so far and definitely feeling better for it. Improvement is very noticeable, especially on the third run of the week - that's more than motivation enough to keep me going.

Yeshe profile image

I began again at new year, after 9 months off. I started week 4 this morning. Even though I did not run for months, I kept reading some of these blogs and it kept my interest there! I hope that this time I will keep going longer. I love running in the dark, for me its a real sense of freedom, more than in the day light, so I love winter running! Went out and got a new long-sleeve running top yesterday, to keep me warm and snug. Felt really great this morning.

Keep posting, its so great to hear everyone's stories.

silver91 profile image
silver91 in reply to Yeshe

Thanks Yeshe. I am finding it quite interesting the second time around - the first time I did it mostly on the treadmill and then moved outdoors around week 7, whereas this time I'm doing it on the road from the start. It is noticeably more difficult but not overly so, and this way there's no great shock to the system when I transition between the two. I think that might have been a factor in my non-continuation last time around. I was running a nice little route along the side of a river until week two, but it's quite prone to flooding and the track is now covered in really slimy mud that's no good for running on so I've just changed and am now running on tarmac footpaths for the first time in years. It's a nice route but the first 2 miles are all uphill, so not the easiest but I am getting there with it - will be interesting to see how I cope with the first 20 minute run in a couple of weeks. Oddly enough, I think I'm looking forward to it!

misswobble profile image

I love my carbs and dairy! I've lost over four stones and eat from all the food groups. I think carbs and dairy are good for me as I'm 57 so need to look after my bones. The wholewheat pasta and wholegrains I eat fill me up and keep me fuller for longer. Porridge is the fuel of choice for me. Slurp. Post run on a cold evening I crave for chilli and wholegrain rice.

I do loads of home cooking though so I know what I'm eating. I grow most of it!

silver91 profile image
silver91 in reply to misswobble

Ha, so do I, so do I! I'm not cutting them out altogether, just cutting down the amount to a much lower level than before. I've written myself quite a nice little plan that restricts calorie intake - high in protein and low-ish in carbs - but it is quite balanced with lots of fibre, vitamins, antioxidants etc from fruit and veg. I'm also drinking a lot more fluid (around 4 to 4.5 litres a day) and as I get closer to my goal I'm going to gradually reintegrate other foods and increase calorie load to a more sustainable level.

It's the same sort of thing I did alongside C25k previously and helped me lose just under 4 stone, so I know it works, I just need to make sure I keep up the running/rowing after the nine weeks ends and don't let the food intake creep up to much!

GoogleMe profile image
GoogleMeGraduate in reply to misswobble

Dairy and bones are not as happy a mix as is often thought. It's a complicated business. (Not that I am a fan of cutting out any relatively unprocessed food unless you dislike it or you have a clear intolerance or an ethical objection)

misswobble profile image

Yep, eat for one rather than six! You soon get used to it. On losing four stones my stomach has shrunk, along with everything else, so I can't eat the massive portions I used to. Thank gawd for that!

I made a curry base with a whole pumpkin today. From my pumpkin stash. Crikey it was good. It started off for soup but soon morphed into a curry. I love the directions that cooking can go off in.

Don't reintegrate any bad stuff though will you. Kick that lot into touch for good!

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