This can’t be right? I don’t think my Mapmyrun is accurate. Anyone think 1.9k calories is a tad excessive? it accurate?: This can’t be... - Couch to 5K it accurate?

Can I have your Map My Run please? That gives me at least 6 Tunnocks teacakes a day, without fear of putting on weight!
But your km pace, that’s tasty too...

For my last run I had both Map My Run and Strava going, Strava said 5k, Map my Run said 5.58k which I know it wasn't, I think Map my Run is always on the high side.
*Quickly downloads MapMyRun whilst scoffing on a burger*

Depends on whether it means calories or Calories... not being facetious, they are different! Have you entered your weight into mapmyrun, is there an issue with the units for that?
Yes I’ve entered my details......sorry what’s the difference?
Calorie (capital C) = 1000 calories (lowercase c). On "nutritional information" on foods it often says "kcal" - short for kilocalories, i.e. 1000 actual calories... - which is what we shorten to "Calories" ... very odd. I don't really know why we use that notation, and even worse, most articles just use "calories" when I'm pretty sure they mean kcal or Calories.
I would LOVE to know why this is, it would be like using "Grams" to tell our weight to people when we mean kilograms.
But it looks like a weird mistake ... 1.9 calories, kcal, or 1900 cal or kcal ... all seem a bit off unless my maths and multiplying by 1000s has gone completely wrong (likely...)