Hello all, hope you are all doing well.
My question is, how accurate do you think treadmill speeds are? I know a lot of you say you run quicker on the treadmill, but after doing the whole programme on one, I've done about a dozen outside runs now with still 2 treadmill runs a week, and find I am much much 'quicker' outside.
Do you think you run differently on a treadmill? For instance, could it be my stride making a difference? I am a long legged thing, so maybe my stride is longer in the freedom of the great outdoors, but restricted on a machine? Just curious if anyone has ever read anything on this.
For record's sake, I run on about 1.5%-2.5% gradient on the treadmill after reading about how everyone found it easier in prep for outside running, and have never really changed it as that is what I'm used to now. On the treadmill I run at "7.5kmph" and get terribly hot and out of breath if I attempt to up it, whilst outside it's closer to 9kmph (yet to break that 30min 5km barrier!!)