Proper cold one this morning...frosty grass &, I pulled on my new, long, pants that i treat myself to yesterday...& they are a size smaller too!! Woo hoo!!! Did my longer warm up...pulled up my buff & off I went...I knew I wouldn’t be running again until Tuesday....& with my lovely friend’s funeral to face on Monday I wanted/needed to enjoy it...I welled up a couple of times as my thoughts relived the friendship I once tears would’ve frozen onto my cheeks if I’d let them fall, another bonus of the buff!!! I covered 6kms & ran about 5 of them, I ran out of steam towards the end so I prob covered 8kms in total but was walking after 6 & that’s why I turned everything off. I wasn’t looking forward to wearing longer pants but I like them 😊 they’re the future for now!!! Have a lovely weekend my lovely running family...enjoy time with your loved ones xxxx
Brrrrrrrrrr....: Proper cold one this morning... - Couch to 5K

Brilliant run mate, get you, a size smaller. I hope it goes as well as it can on Monday, I'll be thinking about you. XxX

I love your new pants Cav, where are they from please , if you don't mind me asking ?
Sending you love and prayers for Monday. I lost my Mam last Christmas Day ,I was absolutely dreading the funeral , but the outpouring of love from everyone who knew her made me realise how truly blessed I was to have her in my life xxx
They’re from Debenhams ‘red herring’ fitness section...half price too 12 quid!! So very sorry to hear about your hurts so bad, you never ‘get over’ losing your Mum...I lost my Mum it will be 8 years on New Year’s Eve...the hall (Salvation Army) was full, people were standing outside, she touched so many peoples lives & I am very proud to be her daughter...I hope I am like her xx
Thank you Cav xxxx
Yes its true, no matter how old we are, theres times when only a kind word and a hug from your Mum is all you want .
She would be so proud of you, I am sure xxx

They are some sexy pants you have there my lovely 🤗
I'm glad you had a good run, albeit emotional.
Tomorrow, like you, I shall run with tears on the anniversary of my dear friend's passing.
Wishing that, on Monday, your heart is held gently by the love, strength and happy memories you have of your beautiful friend. 😘

I like your pants And a size smaller - great
Sexy pants, sexy legs
Sending all my love and thoughts to you for Monday, so you can remember all the good memories and share your emotions with others who loved her.

I'm glad you were able to get out in your lovely new pants for a much needed run today. Take care on Monday and know your extended running family will be with you 🙏🏼

Cool dudette there Mummycav my lovely running friend.
You did fab to run and part walk, see, this is what it's all about. I know it's so sad about your friend, be strong for her now and her family, I know you can. Your friend was and will be so proud of you. You will be in my thoughts, sending love, hugs and prayers your way 😘😘 xx

Loving the new long leggings swit swoo you 😘😂 so sorry to hear about your friend 😰 Monday will be hard I’m sure. You did well to push on through though. Don’t you always find running dissolves any negative sad angry though .. well done on a great distance 👍🏻 Take care X

Go you.... great run and new pants too! Hold it together... we will be standing there with you...huge hug x

Brrr, sounds chilly! Well done on your run ❄. I hope you are OK on Monday, so sad about your friend.

Love the leggings! Sounds like you're doing really well post graduation even if that was a tough run for many reasons. Will be thinking of you on Monday. Glad you have running in your life to carry you through the good times and bad. X

Hey Mummycav, you must be one of those flexible, bendy toys - how else could you take that amazing photo!!
I would have been tied in knots and dropped my phone attempting that! 😂
I am very sorry to hear about your friend, that's very sad - sending love, prayers and hugs. - I'll be thinking of you on Monday. xx

Now at this time that is one of those runs I really would have liked to share with you, I hope you found some comfort, love Pocket Rocket xx
I feel you on the cold runs, just came back from a long one too. ❄️❄️ Those are some fast new pants you’ve got there! I wish you and your friend’s family all good things on Monday and for the years that follow. Will be thinking of you.
Thank you Decker ....doesn’t look as cold out this morning, beautiful sunshine, I’m just watching the runners arriving for the parkrun...
Yes its changed dramatically here too. Was -5 yesterday for my run and is +8 today and raining 😀

Ooh skinny Minnie. Lovely to be a size smaller. Love the new pants. Must have been good to reflect on such a wonderful friendship. My thoughts will be with the you and her boys on Monday. Sending a big hug your way. 🤗
Memories are a lovely thing & friendship too...nobody can take them away...they’re so precious. Thankyou for the lovely big hug xx

I'm glad that you were able to relive some happy memories on your run today...
That friendship you shared will always have a place in your heart MummyCav, Helen couldn't have had a better friend.
I will be thinking about you on Monday. xxx

Love the leggings and what a run. Fantastic. The last time i read one of your posts was just after graduation when you had a couple of difficult runs. Now look at you. Well done. Love reading your posts. You truly captivate the ups and downs of running. My favourite thing about running is just the space to be alone and ponder the world and what is going on both on a big scale and on a personal level. Sounds like your thoughts on your run were so emotional but I hope the run helped. Will be thinking of you on Monday. Keep running. Xx
Thank you Rhodalewis ...I love being out in the open space too...I was unsure of where I wanted to run yesterday but it’s so open where I chose & the views are beautiful...just perfect xx
Have a good day. I'm just at parkrun. Cold this morning. Always hard to know what to wear but I'm definitely in long leggings now!! Xx
I’m just watching all the runners arriving at my local parkrun as we speak....always makes me want to get my trainers on...but it’s a rest day so no rule breaking for me!! X
Must be so hard to watch them and not join in. I always do parkrun but then do find with rest days and commitments I often only run twice a week. Must try harder.. but at least I'm not on that couch!!

Safe journey up to heaven on Monday for your friend . Hope her children ,loved ones and u are ok . Xx

<Big hug> Aw, MC, so glad you had a lovely long run, so good for the soul. I will be thinking of you on Monday. xxx

Just love the happy hormones that running releases.
Hope Monday is a huge celebration of Helen’s life and that amongst the sadness you can remember all those happy times. 😘

I'm sorry to hear about your loss, Mummycav. "Grief is the price we pay for love": Dixit Her Majesty the Queen. Her words struck a chord in me. Running is ideal therapy, so pull up that buff and go for it. The leggings are gorgeous. Big hugs, girl xx

Running is great therapy to let it all out, tears, laughter, anger, sorrow. Will be thinking of you Monday xx

Well done you! Very fetching pants too! Bought some myself today. Sorry for your loss and wish you all strength. Take care.

I loved your long pants so much I’ve been & bought some too!! I’m looking forward to my run tonight with hopefully lovely warm legs 😊
I went to my Auntie’s funeral on Friday, so I feel your really makes you appreciate all you have & all you could have. I’m doing W3 R3 tonight & I will keep getting up off the couch, gaining inspiration & striding to live each & every day.....well, every other day!! 😘