I ran for 25 minutes. The first 12.5 were easy, the next 10 were tough and the last 2.5 oh my goodness! I changed my route which seemed to help then saw a hill with a hump back bridge and thought 'no way, not today' and took a detour back to country track. When i heard michael ask me to ramp it up for the last minute ii must admit i told him to get stuffed. Anyway I'm hot, sweaty. My thighs are complaining but I'm chuffed. Im now going to have a glass of water followed by juice and breakfast back in bed...
Wk6 completed: I ran for 25 minutes. The first... - Couch to 5K
Wk6 completed
Well done there might not have been easy but another good run under your belt
Well done!! I’m about to get ready for my final run of week 6!! I’m dreading it ever so slightly!!!😂
I was slightly daunted by the sudden jump to 25 minutes. And there were a couple of 'I have to stop' moments that I was determined not to give into. I'm really glad that week 7 is not going to step it up. I think I need a few runs at this level before I move on. Good luck with your run. I'm sure you'll blast it.
Thank you!! Felt really good!! I think it’s definitely a mental thing! I worry I’m not good enough but it’s never that bad!! It was absolutely freezing out but lovely and sunny! I forgot my gloves!! Also I had to make my route a bit longer!! Walked round my estate looking lost for 5 mins cool down walk!!!!😀
I added an extra bit into my usual run, then took an alternative route to my usual end point. As it was I must have been really slow because i didn't even get to it before michael said the magic words. I quite like this route from all of the ones I've previously tried.
My daughter downloaded a playlist to my phone today so hopefully next week it will help.
Congratulations positive thinking and mind of matter will get you through every run. Good luck with your next run 👍
I loved Mr Smooth as my coach, but I must admit the love wavered from time to time, usually when he said “you might like to try increasing the pace a little” . Mine was generally a two word answer.
Well done fellow smoothie, you’re doing great