Hi any thought on how to cope with Achilles’ tendon pain ? (It’s just where the tendon joins my ankle ). I’ve only just started the programme, and did my second run yesterday. I’d expected some aches but the rest of me is fine. The plan was to get fitter after a 6 month period of not doing much due to broken bones and operation to plate and pin which lead to me putting on weight. ( arm and wrist) I’m walking like I’m 10years older. Just wonder should I push through it and do the next run tomorrow as planned?
Ankle pain: Hi any thought on how to cope with... - Couch to 5K
Ankle pain

We really never run through pain. So.. if you have the right shoes and are warming up well, then maybe you need to get this checked out. There are exercises for this sort of thing..but it is useful to get an idea of why it is happening

Don't take risks with your Achilles. If it goes completely you would end up on crutches.
Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation, otherwise known as RICE, is a runners first aid kit.
Rest is fairly obvious, but you need to keep the joint mobile, without putting extra stress on it.
Ice, use something like frozen peas wrapped in a towel to apply cold to the affected area for about ten minutes, then remove and reapply ten minutes later. Repeat.
Compression is meant to improve blood flow. Use a bandage or preferably compression socks or sleeve.
Elevation, put your feet up.
You can take anti inflammatories, such as ibuprofen, to prevent excessive swelling.
Eccentric heel drops are good for Achilles, once pain has subsided.
As with any injury, if pain persists, consult a medical professional.
Try running very slowly. It is more efficient at building stamina in new runners as running fast and keeps injury risk minimal.
I hope you recover soon.
Thanks for the reply. The day after my first run my ankle was worse than the day after my second run. I’m due for my third today and it’s much better - a bit stiff getting out of bed but so much better . My foot falls to the inside as I walk so I’ve bought some insoles to correct that and an ankle support. This is the first morning that am ‘neutral ‘ about the idea of the run rather than totally negative ! I’m startong to believe that I might actually enjoy this soon! 😊
I had a gait analysis and have some insoles and ankle supports so hopefully that will resolve the issue . Thank you for your help 😊