NO RUNS, HELP ME BOOST MY MOJO : Hey my lovely... - Couch to 5K

Couch to 5K

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quirkybee profile image
53 Replies

Hey my lovely running family ❤️

No rruns for me since 2 weeks ago and since I last posted.... Aside from a lack of time and decent light from 5pm, my mojo seems to have vanished.

However, I celebrated my 50th birthday yesterday, oh my lord, what a big number. Well I certainly don't act my age, but really wanted a good run yesterday, though I didn't get the chance at all. I want to run, but I think with a few things going on lately, I have found it hard to focus.....

I'm really hoping and willing myself to run this weekend I'm. Not going to beat myself up over time duration, distance etc, just go for the run and for the pure enjoyment of it. It doesn't change our circumstances in life, but it does give a positive energy to our minds and souls. So I am wishing you all positive mojo vibes if any of you are feeling sluggish or just not in the zone. With all our vibes cwtched up together, we should inject some positive energy into our bodies.

Happy Thursday lovelies 😘💛💚

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quirkybee profile image
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53 Replies
Oldfloss profile image

Oh happens sometimes. I am struggling to get runs in now too, as my weekly pattern has changed with the now regular two day care for small runner in training.

It is very frustrating... and we do need our runs :) I am repeating yet another 10K plan to get back up to where I was before the IC.. and it is taking me a lot longer than planned!

The runs for pure pleasure are the thing..just running with no need for time or distance planning, not so easy on dark nights though.

You just run.... when and where you like and enjoy it.. you have done amazingly!! You will stay on track.. you are too determined to give it up!

" Run for a good cause....Yourself!"

Happy Birthday for yesterday! :) x

quirkybee profile image
quirkybeeGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

Thanks Oldfloss. I have a few things going on and just sometimes, I cannot divert my thoughts to do something. But this weekend has just been and gone. I'm looking forward to getting out this this week after work. I'm trying to plan my route so I have the chance either run a shirt distance, or further. Either way, just running for 15 mins will be fab. Thanks lovely.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to quirkybee

Just take care of you xx

MarkyD profile image

No “MarkyD’s fashion tips” today.


1) You are older than me 😂

2) Foot. Butt. Kick. Just go for a run, Ok?? 🏃


Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to MarkyD

Love it :)

quirkybee profile image
quirkybeeGraduate in reply to MarkyD

I know I can rely on you M...... I will do those butt exercising where you kick your bum and I shall pretend it's you kicking it and telling me to get a shift on 🤣🤣Be gentle though..... x😉😁

KoKo30 profile image

Belated Happy Birthday! There is definitely good life after 50

I cannot live without your inspirational posts so somehow you have to get out there again!

If it was me I would set a time, go out, walk 5 run 15 and walk 5. That's less than half an hour and should be doable despite other things going on. Put on some nice music and go really slow. Its the high at the end that makes it worth while and the mental and physical wellbeing . I struggle sometimes and feel like missing a run but the benefits are too great.

give it a go and you will remember how much you enjoyed it

Good luck!

quirkybee profile image
quirkybeeGraduate in reply to KoKo30

Aww, thanks KoKo30 that means lots to me.

I will do that, I keep thinking I should beat my slow pace, but I just can't at this time as I'm gasping for breath. I need a routine again because when I did the C25K, it built up my stamina and kept me strong. It's just a shame we have the dark nights and the times of my job don't allow me to run in daylight, but I am going to do it this week. It certainly does help my well being, so you're right there x 😊

MarkyD profile image

Now I’ve got the stern-talking-to out of the way...

5️⃣0️⃣🥂🍾 🎈

quirkybee profile image
quirkybeeGraduate in reply to MarkyD

Heehee, thank you. I celebrated in Cardiff Friday night x 🥂🥂🍾

Sadie-runs profile image

Ooooh belated happy birthday! 50 and a fit 50 to boot! 🥂👏😘

Sorry to hear about mojo. I think it hits us all from time to time. Great advice from others already, and I echo that. Finding time can be a problem - but really, if you analyse it, it's not really the problem, we always seem to find time for those things we really want to do, I find. It's the old mojo, isn't it. I bet you a shiny £1 coin (hey big spender!) that if you took yourself out for a quick 20 min jaunt that mojo would start to make a return. Just try it. For me? Pretty please?

I think that as graduates we can be a wee bit too hard on ourselves at first. Like, if we cannot get out for a solid, successful 30 min run, then we are in trouble. (Or is that just me that feels this way?) Running for the joys can be achieved in 15 or 20 mins - that little! Run for the joys, QB!


Sadie-runs (for the joys) x

quirkybee profile image
quirkybeeGraduate in reply to Sadie-runs

Everything you've said Sadie-runs is spot on. It's true, we find time for other things, it's the thought of getting out of puff that puts me off, haha, but I always love the run, whatever at the end and feel so much better and positive.

Yes, I have that after graduation feeling that I feel I should run from then on for 30 mins or more, but really it's not the case.

My next run will have you in my thoughts, thanks lovely x

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate in reply to quirkybee

Yes, please do think of me puffing and panting with me dodgy hip! 😀 Some runs just are sh*#, but you still feel good after, no matter the length of run. Plus, it's worth it for the good ones. Have you tried a longer warm up walk? Lovely Mummycav got me on to that, and me and my dodgy hip flew like the wind today.

Run for the joys my love, run for the joys! And don't be so hard on yourself. x

quirkybee profile image
quirkybeeGraduate in reply to Sadie-runs

Aww, thanks Sadie-runs i will do the warm up and I will run for the love, fun and freedom of it. Thank you. Hoping your hip is not paining too much, you're very brave and strong to run with it too. You're getting out there and that's the important bit, I admire you 😊

Mummycav profile image

Happy Thursday quirkybee ...and happy BIG birthday too!!!!! has your mojo gone on an early Christmas break too??? We all got IgaT out there yesterday & ran along with her & she had the run of her LIFE!!!!!!!! I am SURE we can do the same for you..schedule a day for your next run, Hidden will remind you & we will all get out trainers on & run with you, whether that’s on your shoulder or on our own routes, we will be there with you...Remember the feeling of completing a run??? You have been my inspiration to keep going, I don’t want you to stop now, I want you to keep posting your stories & photos...all your hard work & I mean hard work will go to waste & im not having THAT!!!!!!! Let’s sort a time & day out...come on....your trainers are calling....xx

in reply to Mummycav

Okay.... I maybe have to put some limits on this, otherwise as IannodaTruffe says, I will have a job for life. But QB - you just have to keep going - for a start, I am sure there's some more clothing pics we haven't seen yet, and the glowing face. My latest e magazine on style says autumnal colours very fashionable - so I am thinking sycamore scarlet or similar. let me know when you are running, and I will perform emergency alarm clock duty....

Mo jo's wither, don't be the person who withers a mojo...

quirkybee profile image
quirkybeeGraduate in reply to

Haha, thanks Jan, yes, I just gotta keep going. It was a minor slump in a few days of my life, but I will get back out there and strut my stuff 😂Can't thank you enough and all the other scrumptious runners here that have supported me 🤗🤗 x

quirkybee profile image
quirkybeeGraduate in reply to Mummycav

I will Bev, don't you worry lovely, that sounds a fab idea. I just couldn't fit it in this weekend as I had the ole 50th birthday celebration 😂and totally busy all day today. Sorry I'm a few days missing these lovely messages, but I wanted to answer them altogether.

I ewill love for you all to virtually or physically run with me, that will really spur me on. Thanks chick xx 😘

Shelby1973 profile image

Morning 😀 I’ll help you look for it if u like 😀 💯 behind u . Ooh and happy birthday 🍰 xx

quirkybee profile image
quirkybeeGraduate in reply to Shelby1973

Ahh, thanks Shelby1973 you can give me a kick up the butt with MarkyD, lol x

Millsie-J profile image

Happy Birthday young lady!

I think you need a birthday treat, how about a parkrun on Saturday? I shall be doing one as my Poppy run, we can do a virtual parkrun together maybe?

quirkybee profile image
quirkybeeGraduate in reply to Millsie-J

Thank you Millsie-J I hope your poppy run went well, how did you get on? I was out all day yesterday, but thank you so much for thinking of me.

Millsie-J profile image
Millsie-JGraduate in reply to quirkybee

I did an early afternoon freedom run in the end, lovely sun and a slight chill in the air, perfect.

Keep runnning🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️

quirkybee profile image
quirkybeeGraduate in reply to Millsie-J

Aww, well done, glad you went out, lovely crisp day for it too x

Neverrunbefore64 profile image

50 is a small number when you are 65 LOL. Yo have to go catch up with that mojo on a run. will send positive vibes to you tomorrow morning when I'm doing my run 3 week 7. I'm loving running.

quirkybee profile image
quirkybeeGraduate in reply to Neverrunbefore64

Thanks a lot Neverrunbefore64 how did you run go?

Whatsapp profile image

Its is harder to get out and run this time of year. The gremlins have cold and dark on their side.

Whenever I don't want to run, I just think how I will fell after I have. I have from time to time missed a run for sprurious reasons, which I have always regretted later; but I've never once gone for a run and regretted doing so.

So for me, I don't want to live with the regrets (which last longer than the run itself) thats why I run when I can.

quirkybee profile image
quirkybeeGraduate in reply to Whatsapp

That's positive thinking Whatsapp i always feel do much better after a run. Such a high feeling, it's wonderful 😊

SC1472 profile image

Firstly, Happy Birthday for yesterday - are you really 50 as I would have said you look much younger!!

Secondly, 50 is just a number, one which I am fast approaching, but that is all it is - celebrate it!

Thirdly, take a look at your previous posts and look at the grin that was always on your face and remember that feeling of being out there a just running.

Finally, look at that vast wardrobe of varied running tops that are screaming out to be used.

Just go out for a no pressure run, put on some music, listen to a podcast or a book and just see where it takes you. If you need to walk, walk, then just run and have fun and enjoy the freedom of being out there.

quirkybee profile image
quirkybeeGraduate in reply to SC1472

That's fab advice SC1472 I will choose my best top and get out there. It's right though, we don't need to run for 30 mins every time, walking and running mixed up is just as good. I'm not competing with anyone, so should just get on with it. Thanks for the boost and kind words x

HeadInTheClouds profile image

Hey quirkybee - a very Happy Birthday for yesterday..!!

I celebrated 'that' big number in June. OK, I didn't celebrate - I went to Scotland, stuck my head up my ar*e and sulked for a fortnight :D

You're right, running doesn't change our circumstances - but (thankfully) it certainly changes many aspects of life.

I have gone from 'anti' running to 'loving' running in just 9 weeks.

Tomorrow I'm going to do my graduation run... hence, right now, I have so much bl**dy mojo that I don't know what to do with the damn stuff..!!

So, I'm sending ALL my surplus mojo in your direction in the hope that you will feel positively energised; that the sun will shine on you this weekend and you run with a clear head, a happy heart and spring in your step :)

*Disclaimer* ... There may be times, in the future, when I'm calling for a bit of that mojo myself - please listen out for my cries for help ;)

quirkybee profile image
quirkybeeGraduate in reply to HeadInTheClouds

Aww thanks HeadInTheClouds i certainly won't forget you when you need to livenup your mojo. Just shout and I'll be there.

I'll have a little chunk of your surplus mojo lol, thanks lovely. I'm going to run for the fun!! 🤗

Decker profile image

Happy birthday QB!! I somehow missed this post. Hey I just turned 50 this year too. No biggie😁 Your plan is a good one. Just have a nice easy run, short or longer, but most importantly, get out there and enjoy it.

quirkybee profile image
quirkybeeGraduate in reply to Decker

Thanks Decker. I will do that for you too. I will be 50 and hopefully nifty 😂😂

Decker profile image
Decker in reply to quirkybee

You will most certainly be a nifty fifty! 😁

quirkybee profile image
quirkybeeGraduate in reply to Decker

I hope so Decker, lol 😂

SaskAlliecat profile image

Happy Belated birthday quirkybee 🎉. Don't beat yourself up over a lack of running, life sometimes get in the way. You want to run, you feel great after running, so like others have said, figure out a time that will work, tell us about it(we'll keep you accountable 😉) and we'll be there with you. No pressure on what this next run will be, just head out for a run and let it be what it wants. Remember the toxic 10 though and try to at least keep going to get past that stage. Looking forward to hear your next run report....

quirkybee profile image
quirkybeeGraduate in reply to SaskAlliecat

Thank you SaskAlliecat and yes, those first 10 minutes are a tester. I'm usually quite with it after 15 mins, so onward and upward I will go. 😊

skysue16 profile image

Wishing you a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY! 🎉😊🍾 I hope you find your mojo soon - I bet you find it on a run it will be just around the corner!

quirkybee profile image
quirkybeeGraduate in reply to skysue16

Thank you skysue16 its out there waiting for me, I just know it, lol 😊

Wizziewood profile image

Happy Birthday for yesterday, hope you had a good one!

... and this weekend you can celebrate with a run, long or short it doesn't matter but definitely very slowly.

How about Parkrun? that can help with mojo problems. Or buy yourself a new top!

Whatever, just get out there, we're all with you.

Keep smiling, keep running, keep posting ... Good luck!

quirkybee profile image
quirkybeeGraduate in reply to Wizziewood

Aww, thanks Wizziewood i will be smiling and thinking of you all when I go next 🤗

quirkybee profile image

Oh my lord, what wonderful, wonderful lovelies you all are. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart and running feet for all your inspiring wishes for my mojo to return.

You are all just the BEST, KINDEST PEOPLE I know and that's true.

I will reply to each one of you tomorrow, as it's been a long day, but I didn't want you to think I was ignoring you. I really do feel blessed to have such love friends as you. Only just got round to reading your messages.

Lovely, lovely people 😘😘 xx

Fishypieface profile image

Happy belated big birthday! Your mojo will return once all the birthday celebrations are over with and life goes on, it's hiding under all the wrapping paper, balloons and banners at the mo :). Sometimes life gets busy but running will always be waiting patiently for you to pick it back up again, when you can. Cos it's in your heart and you are a runner :)

quirkybee profile image
quirkybeeGraduate in reply to Fishypieface

I think your right Fishypieface been apprehensive about my birthday, goodness knows why and with a few other ongoing concerns, I've just lost the plot a bit.

Birthday has been and gone now, so time to relax and get running 😊 thank you 🤗

Virginia60 profile image

Happy belated birthday you young one!! I recently celebrated my 57th and just cannot believe where the years have gone but due to this fantastic running journey I feel younger than I have done in years!! I am sure you will get your running mojo back, all it takes is one little walk/jog/run combination and you will be back! I look foward to reading about it over the weekend xx

quirkybee profile image
quirkybeeGraduate in reply to Virginia60

Thank you Virginia60 it does keep us young, never thought I'd ever run, so I'm do grateful for it. Sorry I didn't get to run this weekend but I shall be reporting back soon 😉

IgaT profile image

My running 'routine' is all over the place, but I do my best to push myself out of the door for a run.

Did you do appointment with your running? I will open my calendar and find time to squeeze 30 min of happiness to this weekend as well.

Maybe first time from a lon time I will run in daylight ;)

quirkybee profile image
quirkybeeGraduate in reply to IgaT

Aww, thanks IgaT but I didn't get chance, it's been a busy weekend. I will be thinking of you on my next run, don't you worry and thank you for your support 😊

Polly2810 profile image

Happy birthday!! 50 is great I have had a great time since June...started to run jumped out of a plane!! Loving it, it’s just a number. Really hope you got a Run I this weekend, but if you didn’t...they will still be waiting for you when you good and ready!!

quirkybee profile image
quirkybeeGraduate in reply to Polly2810

Hi Polly2810 I will be back to it soon and tell you all about it. Thank you lovely x

Polly2810 profile image
Polly2810Graduate in reply to quirkybee

I’m sure you will!! We will all be cheering you on!! X

quirkybee profile image
quirkybeeGraduate in reply to Polly2810

Thank you Polly x

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