I was very apprehensive going to parkrun today - it was like the first time I went. I wasn't sure I could do it but I there were a few people there like me, back after time out with illness or injury and all feeling exactly the same as me. We gave each other a bit of a pep talk and off we went to the start line. I put myself in the middle to back of the pack, didn't want to be at the front because I have a tendency to pace myself to those around me. I set off & deliberately kept my pace slower than normal, it's been almost 3 months since I ran parkrun and the course is a hard one. It was made worse today because it rained last night so the route was full of puddles & mud. Anyhooo, I ran / walked it, chatting to those around me and greeting other walkers as I puffed my way around the course. There weren't many birds around today but a little robin hopped across my path, stopped and turned to look at me as I ran towards it and it waited until I was a few steps away and then it turned back & hopped into the bushes. That pushed me onwards for a while - but the hills were just too much for me today & I had to walk most of then but feeling good, I upped the pace for the last few yards and as I ran across the finish line, the feeling was absolutely fabulous. YES! I'm back in the game and can't wait till Monday for my next run
parkrun report: I was very apprehensive going to... - Couch to 5K
parkrun report

Well done you did it that’s the main thing 👍🏃♀️

well done

Sounds like a great run. It's such a nice feeling to be back at Parkrun after a long break, and you're absolutely right, there are always people running/walking/returning from injury so you're always in good company.
Well done. Out there and run/walking. Great job

Super - you Are BACK Dhiny -
I had geared myself up for getting back to Parkrun yesterday and ............................... didn't go

My kit(s) are constantly beside my bed Dhiny, I can ignore them on non running days (and apparently on running days too)
I use the "there is always - tomorrow - next week - next month" all the time too.
Thanks though!
I can do that too lol - the numbers on the scales help to motivate me to get my bum out of bed & out running Do you have a running buddy?