Feeling a bit like a failure. Did Wk5r2 today. The first 8 minutes went well. I was surprised. I felt I recovered well in the walk but as soon as I started running the second 8 I knew I was couldn't run it all. I has to walk twice, probably only for 30 secs, at most a minute each time. I feel such a failure. I've actually quite enjoyed the last couple of runs so really disappointed at myself. Supposed to be doing the 20 mins in 2 days. Should I try the double 8 again or attempt the 20 mins.
Wk5r2 failed!: Feeling a bit like a failure. Did... - Couch to 5K
Wk5r2 failed!

Hey Flash13, don’t beat yourself up, I am not at your stage get and the thought of the longer runs in Week 5 & 6 are very daunting.
From what I have read on here, every runner has their off day and sometimes you just need to take a look back at what you have achieved up to this point and know that you can do it.
I would take a day or two and then re-run this one and mark it off complete once you nail it.
I am positive you can do it, you got this far, didn’t you?!
Keep us up to date with your progress.

Don't use the 'f' word on here .. just a blip !
Slow down... and then slow down more....rest up... do some rest day exercise and then head out for a relaxed run. Know you are ready for it.. take your time and just, one step in front of the other

Hey, you’re not allowed to use the ‘f’ word on here!! Put this down to a practice run, make sure you take your rest day, maybe an extra day, put this run in the box of ‘at least I went out and ran’ close the lid and forget all about it and try to focus on what’s to come. You’ll smash it next time!!

No one fails on here. Pick yourself up have another go, slow and steady and relax 👏

So you've had a practice run at it that's fine and it sounds as though you probably went out a fast so take a rest day and then go again and just slow it down and then just slow it some more and you WILL be fine
It's my W5 R2 on Thursday then the 'big' one on Sunday, I know how you're feeling but we must keep the faith, all these people can't be wrong! Positive vibes to us!

You have found the level that beats your level of physical fitness, or perhaps your mental preparedness. Yes, this thing is mental!
You can only fail this plan by retreating to the sofa, so dispel your feelings of failure and replace them with some positivity. you might find this helpful healthunlocked.com/couchto5...
You can do this.
Failures are at home on the couch! If I were you, I'd go for run two again. Mainly for the confidence and to reset my thoughts. I'm having a go at run three tomorrow and had dreams of repeating it over and over last night. Wot me worry? O.O ||Failure is letting it beat you. Failure is not having another go. Failure is going back to the couch, permanently. You've got this.

I'd go for run three. I reckon you just went too fast on the first leg...

Thanks everyone. I repeated Wk5r2 today and did it! I changed my route around. I realised my last run started the second 8mins at the bottom of a gradual hill which took me all the way home. I think mentally I was thinking I can't do it and my body followed. Anyway, if it was the change of route it helped. We live at the top of a hill so I had to go down then up at some point but it was just the last two minutes of the second 8 and the cool down this time. Next the 20mins. I can so do this!!!
It's only a fail if you give up on the programme. If you get yourself back out there for the next run you've won. Best advice I was given was to slow down and relax. Pace yourself. You can do it.