Frankly I wasn't relishing this morning's run - still had tired legs from Saturday, took no exercise yesterday - unless you include chopping up pounds of crabapples to make jelly 😊 - and enjoyed a couple of glasses of Pinot Noir last night - but still set out for my run. In search of a route that doesn't end in the long slow climb home, I took a different path through the woods and was so entranced by the view that I immediately lost the path and so made my own crazy route through the trees. But who knew that the concentration required to dodge roots and branches meant that the time flew by and the cushioned woodland ground made for a lovely running surface. I had to slow right down for a couple of ultra muddy sections so tacked on a couple of extra minutes - something that would have impossible earlier in this running journey.
Running has transformed my day and I hope it does the same for all of you!