Completely new to this, being unfit, obese, unmotivated and working too many hours to look after myself properly. But have just finished w2, and I'm amazed I've stuck with it and actually am looking forward to getting out there for next run. Having wheezed through w1, I'm determined to see this through. Looking through these posts has been an inspiration, and make me hopeful that I can get there. Thanks everyone, the slow and steady advice has been superb and already I'm less worried about what people will think when they see me 'wobbling/shuffling' along.
Newbie : Completely new to this, being unfit... - Couch to 5K

Well done..!!
I've just completed wk 3 (although going to repeat it next week as today I struggled).
I'm a fan of the slow and steady too..!!
Keep it up 🤗

Well done and I promise you you will not regret doing this !! I to was unfit and overweight ( I am doing SlimmingWorld) I am now down 1 stone 9 lb and do my last run tomorrow morning!!!keep it slow and if in doubt even slower good luck and keep posting xx

" You think you are ready for another adventure?"
So sorry could not resist!
Welcome to this great programme! You are doing wonderfully, well done for beginning this
Just follow the programme... take your rest days, and more if you feel you need them Exercise, (non-impact), on rest days is useful too....Many of the forum family used and use these..
Walking, cycling or swimming too, are other choices as is a hard days gardening or housework! Basically helping to build up the strength and stamina needed for the runs.
Trust the programme, have faith in yourself and when you head out... slow and steady is the way.
If folk stare.. they are either jealous, wishing they were runners too...or runners who wish they were out running!
Keep posting too please

Absolutely ready and looking forward to finding the gold!
Thanks for the advice and encouragement.