So I have just done my first c25k session and O.M.G I feel like I'm either going to throw up or my head is going to explode! Someone please tell me it gets easier??!
First Ever Run!!: So I have just done my first c... - Couch to 5K
First Ever Run!!

Nope... but... you, get stronger and fitter with every single run!
Take it really slow and steady.. as slow as a slow snail on a go-slow.. and you will be fine... Keep posting for support and encouragement
Well done for starting this amazing journey
That's...encouraging (kind of 😂) I thought I was going slow but maybe just pushed myself a bit too much. My body is not used to exercise but I'm hoping it will be soon!
It will...but, make sure you add strength and stamina exercise in on rest days too..non-impact exercise... some walking, cycling, or swimming maybe...these linked exercises are useful too..many of us used them
If you start off gently, you can maintain your progress.. pushing too hard usually ends badly! We have seen too many folk either end up on the IC, or just disappear!
You will feel aches and the first weeks and the first runs, that is normal... but if it is stronger than that, the sickness feeling for example.,then that usually means you are moving too fast or trying too hard.
This is a great journey.... meant to be enjoyed... so, no need to rush

Hey. I am on wk3, and trust me, you will adjust. Trust in the programme. 😀 It is a safe way to ease yourself into running/getting active. I had not run in around 15 years when I started c25k. My lungs/legs were pathetically weak. Just 3 weeks in and I already feel stronger, and breathing easier. It is still a challenge, every single run, but not impossible. Biggest shocker = I look forward to the runs! Never saw that coming...Have faith, keep going...🏃♀️

It gets easier - and challenging
I thought my lungs would blow out my nose Day one - now I'm teed off that I could not go out for an "easy 5K" this morning.
Probably means you are running too fast. I struggled with that through the whole programme but it is the usual reason for not managing or really struggling with a run. Too slow is impossible. As long as you are running not walking you are doing fine. After you finish the programme is the time to speed up (if you want to). Be prepared to be overtaken by toddlers, something I experienced more than once.
For now,celebrate that you did it, take your rest day and then go do run 2 a bit slower.

This is great advice!
Congratulations!!!! It does get easier because you get to know your body and how to not overwhelm yourself by finding your own pace.
What I can't promise is that every step in the programme won't present challenges. It's so well thought out, itll challenge you when youre ready. Trust yourself and keep us all updated on your progress. 😊

All of the above but above all don't be disheartened. Keep on going out.

It does get easier- because now you've got the right process and the right support and you've made the first step/s. Your body will follow. Keep checking in!