Hey! Opening post with a complaint lol!!! Kind of anyways. Started the whole couch-to-5 k thing about 6 weeks ago. Did the first 2 weeks and was happy (as Larry). 2nd last session something 'twinged' in my knee - didn't feel anything at the time, only afterwards. Decided to be sensible and suspend the program. I walk back and forth to my sedentary IT job and clock about 12k steps/day - the walk is about 40 mins each way.
It's been almost 4 weeks since the session where I got the injury. Hard to describe. I'm 48, it's my left knee. It doesn't trouble me most of the time...but during a vigorous walk now, it feels kinda like it needs to be 'clicked out' - a bit weak - not really painful, as such - but occasionally I'll turn and will get a bad pain in the knee that makes the whole leg feel like it's going to give way.
Meh. Guess I'll go see my GP, but am a little pessimistic, because of the nature of it....would really greatly appreciate any advice.....