I skipped a grade!: Today should've been my Week... - Couch to 5K

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I skipped a grade!

13 Replies

Today should've been my Week 7 Run 1, but I just knew it was time to run the full 5k, so I did. I finished in 35 minutes. I felt pretty great after the initial first few minutes. I think I'm done with the program. I just want to run without it. I'm fascinated by how this all went. Even having gone through it myself, I really don't understand how my body and mind could've adapted so quickly. Anyway, it feels great and I'm so glad I posted here because going back and re-reading my old posts from just a few weeks ago is so entertaining!

13 Replies
Irishprincess profile image

So, you haven't followed the programme then and you won't get your badge.

in reply to Irishprincess

Lol! I'll survive. I'm sure. Thanks

Millsie-J profile image

Having reviewed your previous posts Im quite surprised you now feel you no longer need the programme.

JaySeeSkinny profile image

A word of warning. Anyone who is reasonably fit can probably run a 5k. Many times in the past I have run, sometimes for months on end and there were many 5ks in there. But you know what - it was only when I completed this programme that I got to a point where I can run 5ks consistently, every time if I want and 4x a week if I want. So just because you've run 5k now doesn't mean you are ready to do it again, and again, and again. In fact, you may injure yourself by pushing too hard and going too far before the muscles / tendons etc have stretched / got used to running that distance. You're at week 7 (25 mins, I think) and you're ramping your time and distance up way more than 10% a week.

I would recommend continuing with the programme, safe in the knowledge you can do a 5k. You're body will thank you for it!

5k in 35 minutes is great! Well done, and good luck with your running. I needed that sense of completion/achievement to make me want to keep on running as I think the programme builds a kind of long term commitment. But good on you if you've got there without it.

in reply to

Thanks so much! I feel committed, but I just wanted to make sure I could do it. I'm training for a sprint triathlon and I'll keep jogging around a bit, but I really need to do more biking and swimming work.

IannodaTruffe profile image

Many people graduate and then believe they are suddenly seasoned runners, so ignore our advice to consolidate and keep the progress slow and steady. This is a very common scenario for first overuse injuries.

You are still a very, very new runner, with just a few hours and miles on your legs, and while you may well feel you want to go it alone, the advice of those of us who have been running for several years, is take it easy. We know from first and second hand experience that it is so easy to do too much too soon. Injury is the most frustrating and demoralising thing to happen to a runner and unfortunately often occurs soon after graduation.

So whether you continue with the guidance of the plan or go your own way, I would urge you to seek advice about moving forward. Good luck.

in reply to IannodaTruffe

Thanks very much for your reasoned response. I certainly don't feel at all like a seasoned runner, but I am getting ready for a sprint triathlon that includes a 5k. So far, most of my training has been focused on the run because that is my weakest area by far, but I'll probably be doing just a couple runs a week and biking/swimming the rest of the week. I've gotten a tri coach and training plan, and of course your wise words. So thank you!

Rockette profile image

Very wise words from iannoda truffle , I pushed after graduating ,not taking it steady as advised ,result injury ! Then after getting over injury I started the plan again and did the same thing AGAIN! It's just not worth it . This time I'm doing it by the book 3rd time lucky . Please listen to the advice .

RebeccaSK profile image

Well done on the 5k! My words of advice - as someone who has been training for a triathlon for 6 months - is that if you need to run 5k for the event, you need to be able to run much further than that before the event. Last week I did an aquathlon (swim then run without the cycle inbetween) as a bit of a warm up for the triathlon which is in two weeks. I was stunned by how difficult it is to switch your body from one discipline to another instantly. To be tired from swimming and then have to try to get your breath back and get it into the running rhythm is very, very hard. I can run 5k and all I had to run for the aquathlon was 3.4km. Except I couldn't. It was a flat circuit, nice weather - all pretty straightforward on paper - but it took me at least 1.5km to get my breath back and settled and I had to walk several times. I guess I was a bit naive - I saw the triathlon as three separate disciplines, each of which I'm capable of. I was soooooooooo wrong!!!!

in reply to RebeccaSK

Awesome! You did great! I agree and I'm sure this coach is going to push me to run much farther. Also, I have to do Brick workouts, which is apparently a run and then a bike workout back to back for exactly the reason you stated. It's very hard to switch from one to the next. But congratulations! I hope you post about your triathlon experience in a couple weeks. I really want to know how it goes!

RebeccaSK profile image
RebeccaSKGraduate in reply to

Yeah, bricks will help!

roseabi profile image
roseabi in reply to

Bricks: also swim to bike, but all good fun! :)

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