Morning, I am having two rest days , the first I just walk Eric the dog for about 5km can only dream I'll be running that far, . I'm unsure what to do on next , should I use rowing, machine which I don't particularly enjoy or cross trainer and then some weight stuff or I know the dreaded squats which seem to cause more knee pain than running Not quite sure what's best and would really like to see some downward movement of the scales as I'm on weight watchers to and only about half a stone to goal, but have been cheating and need a bit of motivation , any ideas ?
What to do on rest days: Morning, I am having... - Couch to 5K
What to do on rest days

Th dreaded skwaats. They will strengthen your legs and support your knees. As long as you do them with good form.
Rowing machine is great. Crosstrainer is a waste of time. Weights are excellent. Everyone should do weight training. Swimming is good. Calisthenics... the world is your lobster.
Well will do rowing machine and weights, a few squats with kettle bell thing, what is good form exactly,squats with attitude?
knees track over toes, hips go back and down before knees bend, no part of you moves forward (try doing your squats standing facing a wall to make sure of this), spine remains straight, head stays straight: fix on a point on wall opposite and stay focussed on it throughout the move, knees move outwards during squat but not in any other plane, chest remains out, do the whole move slowly: do not bounce out of the bottom of the squat
I would say concentrate on being able to do 3 good sets of air squats below parallel before moving on to goblet squats.
have a look on You Tube there are loads of squat demonstration videos
Cycling! Great for strengthening legs, and great fun too Admittedly not so great for weight loss, although I guess powering uphill would help somewhat.

Thanks for asking this because I've been wondering myself and appreciate the answers. Last time in my life when I ran, I didn't seem to struggle with weakness so much as I do now. I'm in wk 6 and feeling like I'm just running out of power! Will try the suggestions above and hopefully benefit as well. Keep us informed of what works for you please!
Off this afternoon for a row and then squats, then some weights, and tomorrow r2 w7