Managed not to run in the rain yet, what do people wear? Looks like tonight will be my first unless i wimp out
Running in the rain - what to wear?: Managed not... - Couch to 5K
Running in the rain - what to wear?

Many have asked before and there is usually those that advise on clothing and those like me who prefer wet skin to wet clothes (but then I run in a swimsuit and shorts!)

Clothing is a good idea, unless you are very furtive and run in the dark or are miles from civilization.
I glow quite considerably when running and need the air moving over my body, so no point encasing it in waterproof material, only to get soaked from the inside out.
Many people do wear waterproof jackets, but think carefully before spending out on something to keep you dry that keeps you wet.
Do you use some not waterproof hoodie or just shirt?
I am still trying to find my way of running in rain.
In winter I will compensate for the chilling effect by an extra layer (compression base layer) and maybe long sleeves, gloves and occasionally a buff. But once you are wet you are wet and there is not a lot you can do about it but keep moving and keep warm.
To be honest, I follow the weather forecasts religiously, adjusting my running schedule to best avoid rain. In four years of running three times per week, I have only started out on a run in the rain a handful of times.
I'm running in tee and running shorts. I add on colder days hooded fleece, which I take off when I'm too warm. But I like warm and hate cold. I used buff and head scarf when it was much colder. I use also those kin of high socks that are not socks, you just put them on calves.
I need to try the cap and watching weather forecast more. For now, I try to fit my run any time I can convince myself to gear up and go out.
I forgot to add that, while I normally run in shorts, in cold weather I wear the very excellent running trousers that I bought from Aldi. As long as I keep my hands warm and a buff round my neck, until I glow too much, I have yet to find myself too cold on a run, even when temperatures are around freezing. I hate running with something tied around my waist, so jackets of any sort are not for me.

Many folk will say, just your normal gear and no jacket... I wear a very light, breathable Ron Hill jacket in heavy rain... no hood.. I wear a cap...( keeps the rain and sun off)
I have not found that I am wet inside with this at all.. however I am not a ( apologies for this) sweaty runner. Probably because I move too slowly!
Yesterday it was bucketing down as I left the house and I would have been soaked, even before reaching the end of my Close... wore it for half the run, then just took it off when the rain stopped..(for about two minutes)..but then I could not be bothered to put it on again!
Wet is just wet.... wet and cold though... not my idea of fun !
Your choice really

I just wear the same as I would when its dry, anything more and I would be too hot.
Though I am interested in solving the problem of rain covered glasses and not being able to see.
Running is pretty much the only time I wear contacts. I'm in the boots scheme, which gives me half price glasses (as I get older my glasses are getting more expensive because of vari-focals etc. so this is a big plus).
Oakley sell a hydrophobic lens cleaner which is supposed to allow water (and sweat) just slide off the glasses and keep them clean and clear. Other places may sell the same thing, but this is the one my husband uses on his glasses.

I wore a hooded lightweight run jacket and a cap yesterday as it was bucketing it down. I wear this jacket a lot! Even in the dry. I can tie it round my waist if I get too warm. Pop it back on for the walk home
I wore long run tights yesterday. Aldi dri fit tee shirt and Lidl run bra. The dri fit stuff wicks wet away from the skin so,you feel,dry on the run even when it's peeing it down When I got,home my tee was soaking and heavy with wet but I felt warm the whole time
My jacket was £6.99 and the cap a few quid, both from ALdi

I wear my golf waterproof jacket with just a tee underneath, but, I run at 6am when it's cold! That's ok if you play golf, of course! I would suggest as long as you are warm it doesn't matter if you're wet, after all, skin is waterproof!

Summer rain, just a t and shorts maybe a running cap where the peak helps keep rain off face and glasses. I avoid going out in rain in case I go rusty and seize up!😁 and maybe put off until it stops or another day, doesn't matter though if already out and get caught in rain, find it nice and refreshing, pop a thin breathable jacket on if worried, but you may get so hot n sweaty in which case you can remove it and tie around you waist..😊
Last week I got myself a zip up running jacket from Tesco as I was worried about feeling cold. It did throw it down right near the end and I got soaked but didn't feel uncomfortable

I did my first rainy run in about two months yesterday. At the moment its rainy but not cold, however if you get too wet you may feel cold, and the rain yesterday was heavy!
I wore running leggings , tshirt, lightweight run jacket, cap. I had to undo the jacket after a while but did not take it off. I find the rain on bare arms can make me feel cold, so long sleeve top of some sort suits me in heavy rain, at this time of year it is a lightweight jacket, in colder weather it would be a long sleeve base layer.
We are all diffferent , enjoy!

At this time of year, when it's warm, just normal running gear plus a running cap (the peak keeps the rain out of your eyes). When it is colder, I do have a 'breatheable' water resistant lightweight jacket which I can tie around my waist if I get too hot. 🙂

The best thing for me is a cap, being a specs wearer, it's fab, I've got a couple of visors too - for when it's hot and sunny, although begining to prefer my photochromic lenses and leave the visor off.
I've got a few light jackets, not waterproof really, but keeps the rain off for a while, I tend to end up taking them off as I get too hot, and tying them round my waist, once you're wet, you're wet 😄
This morning, made it out between the showers, jacket on to start with, then off, then back on for the last bit as it started getting heavier, if I'd have been going out for longer the cap and a vest top would have been great , and no jacket - I just love the looks you get 😂
Oh and shorts......

Embrace the rain, lots of runners (okay, I mean me!) do their best running in the rain! Go for it 😃

Thanks for all your advice but have you seen the deluge. No fn way I am going out in that. X