Just done Week 4, Run 1 (hurrah!), but my right ankle started hurting half way through. The first half was uphill, and I think I was running unevenly on my right foot due to a combination of pavement camber, new trainer socks, & a sore little toe! I did carry on & completed the runs, but my right ankle is quite sore / stiff now (i.e. 30 minutes later). Any advice? Do I wait a week before more runs or carry on? I LOVED the runs - even with a sore ankle & don't want to 'get behind'! Sue
Advice please!: Just done Week 4, Run 1 (hurrah... - Couch to 5K
Advice please!

Others may know better but if your little toe is sore enough to make you change the way you run then I am not sure you should be running. See how the ankle and the toe feel after your rest day but the quickest way to get behind is run on an injury and make it worse. I know how tempting that is as I had to take a week off before w9r3 - very annoying.
Most people take more than 9 weeks to complete so you also can't get behind as there is no fixed target to finish by. You will get loads of sympathy here if you do have to take a break.

See how you feel after rest day you may be okay if not add an extra rest day. It is not a race take your time. You may be okay after rest day in which case carry on. If it still hurts add an extra days rest what matters is the goal not how long it takes for you to get there. Build it gradually and slowly.
Try doing some ankle rolls and take an extra rest day👍

Thanks all! Sitting here with it elevated & it feels a bit better (or maybe that's the wine & ibuprofen!). Will see how it goes. Was hoping to run on Tuesday to celebrate 5 years since breast cancer diagnosis & a year of full on treatment but if not, I'll settle for a glass of bubbly & carry on with Week 4 when I can! Sue
Hi SueAK , I totally messed up my feet doing a walk of all things, ending up with blisters as big as my toes, meaning I was walking on the side of my feet afterwards. It took me 6 weeks to get back to normal, because I didn't rest at the right time. That delay cost me so much frustration and I was lucky I think not to cause more long term damage. Take the extra rest, see if you feel more normal on your feet and take it from there. Still celebrate the anniversary though that's a heck of a thing to be happy about. Feet can wait a while, that celebration shouldn't !