Tonight was my first "comfortable" 30 minute run. It still hurt, I still, at times, wanted to stop, but it was comfortable. And I know why - it was on a treadmill. I increased the speed from the setting I was using to make it a bit harder but I know that what I struggle with the most is not being able to regulate and maintain a steady pace when I'm running outside. Does anyone have any tips for maintaining a steady pace?
A comfortable 30 minutes!: Tonight was my first... - Couch to 5K
A comfortable 30 minutes!

Do you like listening to music, because one of the forums ages ago mentioned where apparently you can download music that matches your kilometre run rate. As you know I'm a numpty runner so couldn't think of any other help, but I thought that sounded a really interesting way of regulating speed.

Agreed. Try the treadmill run again, check your Garmin for your cadence, and download a bpm app to help you find music that fits!
Get you with your flash Garmin - mine doesn't do that!
Aaaaah...vivoSMART: I thought we had the same one! Sorryyyyyyy. Hey ho. Then what about these possibilities: 1) you calculate your steps per minute by taking a steps reading at the beginning and end, and dividing by the number of minutes you ran. 2) Download the bpm finder, run for a bit so you can get a sense of your rhythm, then stop and keep the rhythm going by tapping the bpm finder. Either one would at least give you a good starting point and something of a range for your muzak choices.
Sounds techie - but I'll have a look at it this evening. Maybe I'll just do a ten minute run or something - my pace tends to regulate and settle nicely after about five or six minutes - just for the purpose of this exercise! Thanks fuzbuz77
Shouldn't be too tricky. Good that you've got a sense of when your pace settles. Not sure if you're on iPhone or what but in case you are, this is the bpm counter I use. (Brilliantly, because it's for DJs, it'll also tell you if you're running at hardcore, grime, ambient, or any other dance music pace!!!)
EDM BPM-BPM Counter for Electronic Dance Music DJs by Too Much Wasabi, LLC

I look forward to the replies on this. I have used the nike app for my last couple of runs and the graphs are all over the place. Glad that run felt more comfortable. There's hope for me yet!
The varying pace is definitely what causes me the problems. At the best of times I'm uncoordinated so if I have to speed up to cross a road or slow down to get past something, it kills me. When I'm on the treadmill I get into a nice rhythm and stop thinking about every single step.

Good for you i think i am still achy after every run!!! Recovery time quicker though 😊I recently downloaded spotify & its brilliant as it has running tracks & liads of different types of music that helps me . I must try the other one now! Varying routes though im not too good at that as i tun on a cycle path which is lovely as along the river so nice & peaceful! At the end of the day you are out running well done so whatever suits youbest is great👍🏃👍

Have you tried Stepping Stones? It has the benefit of Laura counting out the steps at various times. The music is pretty awful but after a while you zone out and just listen to the beat. It has helped me to run at a more consistent pace for 30mins.
It sounds dire! I need my music to drive me on but it certainly won't hurt me to give it a go - if I can regulate my pace then I may not actually need my music so much. Is Stepping Stones on the app?