Taking it really slow because I'm getting older and have had knee problems in the past. I did W3R1 yesterday morning and felt ok but woke up this morning with coccyx pain. It has eased off a bit now but was a bit unexpected and I wondered if anyone else had had the same problem?
Coccyx pain after running?: Taking it really... - Couch to 5K
Coccyx pain after running?

I've not seen that type of injury in all my years of reading and posting on this forum. I had to google it to see it is a 'thing'. Yes!
Core strength and stretching is your answer

Aches and pains they happen... I do know that women are 5 x as likely to get this pain than men are though :
This may be useful to read
Take it slow and steady and try.. ( I know there are lots of things to think about) to land gently...
Thank you, had a read. I will try slowing it down even more. Yoga class tomorrow, hoping that will ease it off. Not giving in yet! 😊
No need to give in... this happens.. to everyone not just to us more seasoned runners : I feel sure the yoga will help... I am on the IC at the moment and doing simple exercises and using a roller for my injured calf muscle...
Slow is really the new fast.. all the best folk do it

That's spooky, I've got to the end of w6 without any aches or pains but after r3 yesterday I woke up this morning with a very tender coccyx! Will read those links with interest!
Not just me then!
It's only after the long runs.. Which I'm doing on a tread mill.
Maybe I'll try a road run next week, see if that's any better!
I know this is an old post but I was researching the connection with running and coccyx pain. I'm on couch to 5k week 8 now, but I had had quite a tender coccyx for atleast the last week so this was really useful.