Today was a was pouring and I was soaked,my pants kept falling down,my top riding up,my rain coat sticking to my skin and the coldness from that was bitter,my hood kept blowing down,my earphones kept popping out and my phone was wet,I wanted to go home..then I had two dogs run at me(I have a fear of dogs even though I do have one myself) and it's OK the owner saying they won't go for me but still that fear is there.. I wanted to cry I wanted to go home! With still the final 5 min run to do I pushed on,but I had to slow to a walk around 3 mins as I could feel myself welling up as a slight panic attack was on its way,first one in 2 weeks,then came the voice saying I had finished π But I hadn't so I ran another 2 mins,does this count or should I repeat run2 feeling a little deflated today π
Struggling with that last 5 min w4r2 π« - Couch to 5K
Struggling with that last 5 min w4r2 π«

Nah, you're good. We all have bad days and the fates sound like they were conspiring to make yours particularly crappy today. You did very well under trying circumstances and you got your minutes in. Have a nice cup of tea and move on to R3, which will be far better.
I think you deserve a medal for even trying in that weather never mind finishing. And I hate dog owners like that. It's OK they say as their huge dog bounds towards you. Well no, actually, it's not OK. It's scary.
Well done for today's run and here's hoping you get better weather for the next one.
I felt pretty much the same w3r2 but just done run 3 and it was one of my best so farπ
You'll be fine !π

Get some dri fit gear, which is cheap,as chips but you will stay dry and be warm π
Not all runs are like that thank goodness. If you have the right gear you will not even notice the rain, or you will welcome it as it helps keep you cool

What a horrible run but you did it! I hate it when dogs just come bounding out of nowhere and you have no idea whether they're friendly or they're going to eat you π© and the owners just stand looking proud that their "little dear" has thus approached you - grrrrrrrr
Well done to you for finishing. Move on and put this one in a box marked, "s**ty runs".