Been excessively overweight and recently loosing 2stone so far I needed to up my exercise to help with further weight loss. I regularly attend the gym and swimming as well as aqua aerobics but I fancied a change and I heard about couch to 5k but always thought it wasn't for me. I've never been a runner. I hated cross country at school. I've always said I don't run or I can't run. but some positive motivation speared me on to give it a go. I did my first run early Saturday morning in the hot sunshine. I loved it and I couldn't believe I actually ran! I must admit I was heavily out of breathe struggled but I was happy I did it. The second run was a little different I went on an evening and I was more self conscious as more people where around and I struggled to run for the full 60seconds on many of the running periods and now I just done the third run and it was even worse then the second! I will keep going but should I repeat week 1 again?
First week of couch to 5k.: Been excessively... - Couch to 5K
First week of couch to 5k.

Hello and congratulations for starting running. Whether you repeat or not is up to you, but I would be inclined to see how you get on with week 2 as the programme is designed to make you 'work' and build up your stamina. One thing you should do is to slow down. At this stage speed should not be an issue so just do the runs slowly.
I agree with SC1472. I certainly have often felt "How on earth will I do that" (and I know lots of other people did to). The programme really works and takes you step by step through challenges that are hard but achievable.
You have done the runs in W1 even though they were hard. You could try week 2 and if they are too much, repeat these until they become doable. It may be that your lack of confidence in yourself is holding you back. Try some positive self talk and tell yourself that you have done well when you finish- especially if it was a struggle but you did it anyway
But of course you know yourself best!

Thanks great advice.

No... why? You did it...
It will be hard, and you expect pain and aches.... but you just follow the programme and have faith in yourself
You loved it.. so, just slow down, then slow down some more Your breathing will ease as you slow down and relax into your runs... you can do this...

It sounds like you did very well. Go really slowly and you'll do even better 😃
Many using this wonderful programme had never run before but are running now. Many can"t stop! 😃
You sound just like me when I started sarahjanewiles84 - I was so self conscious when I went running, I found myself a route that meant I barely saw a soul and ran up and down it as many times as needed.
I repeated the first few weeks at least twice each as I went from complete unfitness, but I wished I'd had a bit more faith in myself and the program in the early days. You are coming from a place of decent activity, so you can do it!
I'm still self conscious when I meet people out and about when I'm running, but I give them a huge smile as I run by. Nobody really cares at all - and if they do - sod 'em!
Keep on keeping on! The sense of achievement when you complete the program is one of the very best you will ever experience 😊