Yesterday was my rest day, although I'm not sure I can call it a rest, it was my day off work as well so I had the household duties to attend to.
Got the kids up at 7.00 for school and sent the older 3 off at 7.45, 8.10 I walked my little one to nursery (I used to drive him there) so got a 45 minute walk in nice and early.
Then it was off to do the shopping, again I elected to leave the car at home and walk, get home, shopping away and prepared last evenings dinner, well, cooked the chicken ready to have cold with a salad.
I then got the cleaning done and it was time to walk up to nursery to collect my son, I also took the dog with me so we walked the long way home to stretch her legs and let my son feed the ducks.
According to Samsung health (with I use for my step count) by the end of the day I had taken over 21000 steps!
Is this too much on what should be my rest day or because there was no running involved am I ok to walk as far as my legs will let me?
Thanks in advance for any advice, which, as always is greatly appreciated