A busy day at work, and a busier one lined up for tomorrow, so I was very keen to get out for my run tonight. As soon as I got in from work, I set Teen Rainbow to sorting out tea for the rest of the family, got changed and headed out.
As I went, I made a spur of the moment decision to use the week 1 podcast as intervals (again), as it would be a slightly longer session than just using Speed - and I would have the flexibility to set my own speeds rather than trying to keep to the beat.
The first couple of quick runs were fine - Gremlin Cedric tried to put me off, but I ignored him and kept going. After the third interval, I was feeling reasonably confident, but around the fourth one I was definitely feeling a bit tired. Cedric was grumbling about how hungry I was, and suggested I should just call it quits and go home, or at the very least have a little walk. But no, I pointed out that I was staying out for the full time so might as well run it, since my legs were still ok.
Interval five got ignored and I just kept plodding at my steady slow pace. Six was tough, but when number seven started that meant only five minutes to go, and I knew I could do that!
Oh how welcome the announcement of the last interval was! I pushed as hard as I could, to wring out every bit of benefit - I did NOT want to head home feeling it had been comfortable and just a pleasant 22 minute run! Definitely achieved that aim, for sure.
So happy me - and all the more so now I've had some well-earned food too!