Since I had the dreaded lurgy a couple of weeks ago, my runs have been not of the best, except one last Tuesday. It has been a catalogue of hiccups including twinging knee, ankle, running out of energy, etc. resulting in me having to cut short my runs & calling out the rescue squad. I am beginning to think I will never run 30 mins again. I am planning a run out today & I think I will leave my Fitbit at home so I will run without checking time & pace & just run because I can; maybe if I take some pressure of myself it will be a good one. Sorry for the whinging, just feeling a bit fed up about not running as I want to. 😕
Fed up : Since I had the dreaded lurgy a couple... - Couch to 5K
Fed up

I know how you feel. I had a dreadful cold that took me nearly two weeks to get over and now I just don't feel like I have the energy that I had before, same as you. I guess that maybe some bugs really take their toll and we just need to roll with it and take recovery as it comes. I am struggling to run more than 5k at the moment but I am going to go out little and often and see what happens.
I think taking the pressure off is the right thing to do. Whether we realise it or not, we always set ourselves goals and that can bring disappointment if it doesn't go to plan. Good luck out there

I agree with your suggestion of leaving the Fitbit at home. Just go and run slow and steady and with no time or distance pressure. It will all come back, I promise but illness can knock the system more than we realise sometimes. Good luck☺

Can totally empathise...
Broke my ribs in October, just the same week as small granddaughter was born.... then after Christmas, like many of us got the Bronchiosaurus Lurgy! Got over that, then got it again.Only now just getting back up to... errr.... speed.. I use the term loosely!
So.... you do right...just head out and see what happens, slow and steady and enjoy the journey...I was so grateful to just be running... and not collapsing.
Hopefully it as beautiful weather wise with you as it is here, this morning... enjoy the sunshine and the run You will be back where you want to be very soon..
" Sometimes, what you're looking for, comes when you're not looking at all "
You are so right Oldfloss. I can't find my Fitbit at the moment anyway so it is probably just as well or I would be wearing it. Off out for a run now so will let you all know how I got on xx

Yeap new route, no expectations, just enjoy!

Run without a phone then you can't summon anyone to dig you out. You will have to keep going 🙂

Know how you feel Dhiny, my runs have been very similar since graduating I'm trying different tactics with speed , and going out at different times of the day. Had the first decent run in ages today. Keep going it will come back I'm sure xx