did my final week 2 yesterday and this morning i felt great, no aching legs or nothing so decided to a small route basically the boundary of my local cemetery which worked out about 2.2km. I managed to jog it without walking and to be honest if i planned a bigger route i could have kept going pretty easily! but yes i best have a rest day tomorrow and start week 3 on tuesday I also registered for my local park run so something else to aid that 5k target when i get to the final week.
rest day but wanted to run.: did my final week... - Couch to 5K
rest day but wanted to run.
Good stuff, Dave.
C25K is designed to be doable for folks of all ages, shapes and sizes. That fact that you are able to jog over 2K and still feel comfortable, at this stage, suggests that you already have some aerobic base on which to build and as such you are likely to feel that the early weeks of C25K are easy.
If you do feel the need to do more than the program prescribes, can I suggest that you do it on your running day and make sure that you do take your rest day in between. High impact activities, like running, cause micro-tears in your leg muscles. The process of these being repaired is what builds muscle and strength but it takes time. Running whilst the repairs are not done causes the tears to worsen and can lead to injury.
You have started very well and will sail through C25K but bear in mind that C25K is really about getting into the habit of running regularly and building stamina whilst staying injury free. When all is said and done, the injury free part is the most important of these.
i swear its the new magic running shoes😁(first pair) yea cos im pretty much obese and weight just over 17 stone so im surprised that I've done more and will stick to my running days. the first week was pretty hellish untill i did the right breathing etc and no more side stitches haha.
Dunder - your wise words stick with me everyday. Like Mixindave - there is something quite addictive about the running and I too want to go out on 'non run days' and when my husband says why dont you go - your Bart Simpson image is in my head and I tell him that advise is to rest up.
Surprisingly, very surprisingly i have started to go to the gym on my off days, I stay clear of the treadmill but do other bits and bobs, relatively leisurely.
I cant believe i am starting to get hooked to exercise after all these years!
Thanks for all your advise, it has got me through injury free
Do have that rest day! It's when your running legs get built 😀
Just do the programme. The way is littered with people who boom and bust, people who thought they knew better. It's OK I suppose if you view the project as a flash in the pan, but if you have any notions of acquiring a tool for a healthier happier life, then the programme it is.
If you get itchy on a 'rest' day (as just about all of us do at some point and it is a great feeling isn't it?), then go for a walk or do something to support your running safety rather than undermining it (because that is exactly what you are doing when you run on consecutive days as a beginner or returning runner) There's the NHS Strength and Flexibility podcast programme, swimming, yoga... just lay off the high impact stuff and give your body a chance.
Great advice everyone ✅